Aug 08, 2023

Aged Care Workforce Industry Council closes due to sector reforms

The team at ACWIC have decided to cease operations at the organisation. [Source: ACWIC]

An aged care worker peak body has made the decision to close its doors after four years of operations.

The Aged Care Workforce Industry Council (ACWIC) has recognised that there have been significant sector changes since it formed in 2019, prompting the Board to cease operations last week.   

Now in the process of consolidating their work to be passed on to the Federal Government and other industry stakeholders to help mould future reforms, the council acknowledged this is a difficult time for its staff and the organisation’s stakeholders and will provide employees with support services as they consider future employment options.

“The decision to wind up the operations of the organisation was not reached lightly and is not a reflection on the work done by the organisation, its staff and leaders,” ACWIC wrote in a statement.   

“The directors of ACWIC recognise that the transformation of the capacity and capability of the aged care workforce is critical to the delivery of quality care. The Board will endeavour to ensure that critical learnings, intelligence, and resources developed by ACWIC are captured.”  

ACWIC was the first leadership group of its kind in Australia’s aged care industry to help create a better, more sustainable aged care system with a clear focus on the consumer. It worked with  the industry, the Government, employees and consumers to ensure the sector is where it needs to be.

ACWIC acknowledged the work the Australian Government is doing to positively change the sector, including the development of a National Strategy for the Care and Support Economy and active consultations with work with key industry stakeholders to build, train and support the aged care workforce.  

During the course of its operations, ACWIC also helped guide industry reforms, including increased wages for aged care workers and keep the sector’s reform on track in line with the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety recommendations.    

The Council was also granted Federal Government funding to establish their free online Workforce Planning Tool for aged care providers to identify gaps in their workforce and plan for adequate skills mix, built for the sector by the sector.

ACWIC said it welcomes the commencement of Stage 3 of the aged care work value case in the Fair Work Commission.

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