Share your story

Have you got a story to share?

Here at HelloCare, we are always looking for great stories. Whether it be a positive ageing story, human interest piece, an insider’s perspective or an elders story to share for Wisdom Wednesday, we would love to hear from you.

Meanwhile, we are always looking for people to write for us as a contributor. If you are an expert in your field, a consumer, health professional, senior or family carer, get in contact to find out more or pitch a story.

Please send us an email at:


Video of 103-year-old grandmother describing her life as a cotton picker goes viral

A video of a 103-year-old woman describing what it was like picking cotton in the fields of Georgia has gone viral, capturing a slice of history in the process. Read More

Hi-tech smart glasses connecting rural and remote aged care residents to clinicians

Avoiding hospitalisations, amputations and even death are just some of the benefits providers are seeing from trialling new digital technology that can assist in treating older people for a range of health conditions living in rural and remote aged care facilities. Read More

Where is the aged care minister?

Time and time again at the Aged Care Royal Commission hearings this week workers, experts, academics, unions and peak bodies raised the issue of understaffing. The Commission’s week of hearings on workforce comes on the heels of numerous reports and reviews from the past years also highlighting the problem of understaffing. The issues raised at... Read More