Aug 20, 2020

Canberra teen pleads guilty to the LSD induced murder of 82 year old Richard Cater

An ACT court has heard the horrific details of the attack and murder of 82 year old Richard Cater. The teen assailant, who was tripping on acid at the time of the attack, has pleaded guilty to two charges of serious assault and murder. 

In March of last year, Mr Cater had been out to dinner with friends, and was being dropped at his Canberra home, when a teenager started brutally attacking the group. The teen began violently assaulting one man, then turned his attention onto a woman who had tried to help, when Mr Cater got out of the car and stepped into the fray. 

The boy, who was reported to be making “monster prehistoric sounds” and verbally threatening the group, got Mr Cater on the ground and began viciously attacking the older man. He later died in hospital as a result of his injuries. 

The attacker was subdued by the first victim by being hit over the head with a spade. When police arrived at the scene, the teenager reportedly jumped up and lunged at them. So violent was the boy, four officers struggled to control him for an hour and a half, and pepper spray had no effect. 

According to court documents, the teen had taken two LSD tabs which he had allegedly got off the “dark web” and was placed in an induced coma for 12 hours until the acid wore off. Once he woke up he said he had no recollection of the attack, which is said to be a common side effect associated with the ketamine used to subdue him. 

The teenager has pleaded guilty to all charges, with his sentencing date yet to be set. 

Image Source Facebook: Wakeboard Australia

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