Apr 26, 2017

5 Power Foods to Control Your Blood Pressure

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a very common medical condition that can endanger the life of many seniors. If left untreated, this health problem can lead to a whole array of other problems with a senior’s body system including heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, vision loss, etc.

The tricky thing with high blood pressure is that it usually does not cause symptoms even if a person suffer from it for years. During all those years, the damage to your cardiovascular system still mounts without you noticing any wrong, until you suffer a heart attack or stroke – which also means it’s too late to do anything. The only way to diagnose this health condition is to get your blood pressure checked regularly.

Normalising your blood pressure is the number one priority in preventing this tricky medical condition and increase your life span. Fortunately, you don’t have to always popping pills to do it as there are many foods that can help to lower your blood pressure naturally.

Here are 5 food suggestions from Home Instead Senior Care Outer East that could help to control your blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart disease.


Blueberries (or Any Type of Berries)

Berries, especially blueberries, are packed with flavonoids – a natural compound that helps to prevent hypertension by lowering your blood pressure. It’s easy to add berries in to your daily diet. Include it in your morning cereal, or pop some of them in the freezer for a quick & healthy dessert. You don’t have to eat too much of this to make a difference in your blood pressure level – one cup a day is enough.



Bananas contain a high amount of natural magnesium, potassium, and fibre, all of which will help to control your blood pressure. One medium banana can give you 12% of the potassium and 8% of the magnesium your body need every day.



A daily glass of beet juice can help to lower your blood pressure significantly. A study has shown results that beetroot can brought a person’s blood pressure down within just 24 hours!
Beetroot is delicious whether you toss it in salads, make it into fritters, or add it to a stew. Or to make things easy, just juice it. Do be careful when preparing it as it could stain your hands & clothes!



Kale is a superfood that is super good for anybody’s health. It is low in calories, contains a huge dose of cell-protecting antioxidants, and can give you a boost in calcium, magnesium, and potassium – which are perfect to keep your blood pressure in check.


Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are especially high in potassium, which naturally lowers blood pressure. Unlike its cousin potatoes, sweet potatoes are not counted as a carb but a vegetable, which means you can enjoy it without worrying about your weight or sugar level. Plus, the calories & salt content of sweet potatoes will not increase when they are fried so it’s definitely a better choice for a treat than regular potatoes.

Want more healthy diet tips for seniors? Need help with senior caregiving? Talk to Home Instead Senior Care Outer East today to know more on how we can help you & your seniors to live a fulfilled & healthy life!

This article was originally posted on Home Instead Senior Care’s website HERE

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