Oct 03, 2021

89-Year-Old Nursing Home Resident Gets a Stripper For XXXmas

When an 89-year-old nursing home resident named ‘Joan’ had the opportunity to tell staff members what she wanted for Christmas, it became very clear that Santa had his work cut out for him.

While other residents in Glastonbury Court may have requested a trip to the beach or a fancy afternoon tea, Joan was adamant that she wanted to enjoy the company of “an attractive man with a large chest and big biceps.”

This U.K based nursing home has always prided itself on allowing their residents to enjoy independent lives, and fulfilling Joan’s wish proved that person-centered care is more than just an ethos.

Feelings of anticipation turned to uncontrollable giggling as a male stripper walked through the doors of the nursing home to thunderous applause.

There was a sea of smiles amongst both staff and residents but the biggest smile in the audience belonged to Joan.

The stripper began his racy routine dressed as a firefighter before undoing his belt and gyrating all the way down to his underpants

“I thought that he was amazing. I wish he could visit us every day,” Joan told the BBC.

“He made me feel like I was young again, I loved every second,” she added.

Sexuality is a word that may not be synonymous with seniors, but a growing number of aged care homes have received praise for allowing elderly residents to enjoy some cheeky fun with members of the opposite sex.

Earlier this year, another nursing home in the UK made headlines for granting the wishes of eleven elderly residents by providing them with a meal that was served by a bevy of naked butlers.

Although these situations are obviously seen as a bit of harmless fun, they do highlight the often forgotten fact that sexuality and fun are not desires that come with an age limit.

Every individual is different, and meeting the needs of an individual will occasionally require staff to go outside the realms of tradition to ensure that everyone’s needs are being met.

Strippers may not be everyone’s idea of a great afternoon, but it’s refreshing to see that some nursing homes in the UK are willing to look past any potential backlash to provide some light-hearted fun.

Hopefully, some Australian aged care providers can ditch their pompous personas and start to put fun at the forefront of their care.

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