Nov 25, 2019

Couple from The Haven celebrate 72nd wedding anniversary

A couple at The Haven in Wagga Wagga, Harold and Dossie Corben, have celebrated their 72nd wedding anniversary with family and friends.

Harold and Dossie were married at St Andrews Presbyterian Church in Wagga Wagga on 25 October 1947. They met when they were 15 years old while still attending school; Dossie at Wagga Wagga High School and Harold at Christian Brothers.

Dossie’s family insisted that they had to wait to be married until she was 21 on 2nd December, but the family were persuaded that December in Wagga Wagga was much too hot and the wedding was brought forward.

The couple have lived in Wagga Wagga their whole lives. They have two daughters, Beverley and Wendy, five grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren.

Both had various occupations. Harold enjoyed carpentry and joinery and then later was a flight engineer in the Royal Australian Air Force. He was part of the B-24 liberator crew based at Morotai in the Maluka Islands in Indonesia. The liberators were used in the evacuation of Australian POWs in World War Two. He then worked in technical and administrative roles with the Post Master General until his retirement.

Dossie performed clerical work with the Peters Ice Cream company, St Andrews Church and local businesses.

Both say the highlight of their lives has been having their wonderful children.

Dossie and Harold were very active in their local community. Harold was acknowledged for his 35 years of service with the Wagga Wagga Fire Brigade, and Dossie worked with many groups at St Andrews Church, the Junior Eisteddfod Committee, The Haven Blue Birds and the Girl Guides Trefoil Guild who recently awarded her recognition for her long years of service.

Throughout their life, Dossie and Harold have loved travelling around Australia in their caravan, particularly enjoying Western Australia and the challenge of dirt roads through the centre of Australia. They were also avid sportspeople, playing social tennis for many years, and upon retirement became keen golfers. Harold even became President of the Wagga Wagga Country Club.

When asked what the key is to their successful marriage, they both answered, “enjoying each other’s company and being understanding of one another.”

Image: Dossie and Harold Corben celebrating at The Haven.

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