Dec 05, 2017

Finding The Right Home for My Mother: Helen, Daughter and Former Nurse

Submitted by Helen – ex-Registered Nurse

June 2017:

I am writing this review to help potential residents and their families feel confident about the care that is provided at Berlasco Court Caring Centre in Indoooroopilly, QLD. I am doing this because I know how difficult it is ascertain the standard of care provided in an Aged Care facility prior to having a relative actually become a resident there.

Until recently our mother was a resident in a relatively new and very comfortably appointed Aged Care facility in NSW that has very pleasant surrounds but an unreliable standard of care. Due to the difficulties associated with the long distances my siblings and I were travelling frequently in order to have one of us with Mum as much as possible, with her consent the decision was made for her to be transferred to a facility in Brisbane that was closer to family, and, we hoped, would better fulfil her needs. In selecting an Aged Care facility our inquiries were focused foremost on standard of care, but also on location, nice surroundings, space and light. Of the facilities we considered, Berlasco Court was ideal in relation to reputation of care and location but did not appeal to us in regard to interior surrounds, space and light as it is an older building with relatively small rooms and limited natural light in the building. However as a bed became available there and no others existed in close proximity, in the hope our daily contact and the standard of care would make up for what the building lacked, Mum was transferred to Berlasco Court.

To this end our Mum’s needs have been more than fulfilled and as a result of the wonderful care she has received and her increased comfort since, the importance we placed on the surrounds has now paled into insignificance. Although I am an ex-Registered Nurse who has worked in hospitals with a high standard of care I have yet to ever come into contact with staff that are more caring, attentive, respectful, committed, sincere and loving as those at Berlasco, or experience the dignity and harmony that prevails there. What is even better is Mum is also clearly aware of this and she has been far more oriented and relaxed since the move, which we believe is because she finally feels secure. Everything that is done for her is purposeful and her needs have been pre-empted and catered for without us needing to ask, which has created not only increased comfort for Mum but also ease of mind for her family. The staff are also very protective of her – to the extent they will very diplomatically have a word to us if they think something we are doing may not be in Mum’s very best interests, which is a wonderful indication of their commitment to her. Very notably her profound hearing disability is also now much less an affliction, which I believe is not only due to the staff’s attention to how they engage and communicate with her, but that as a direct result of the extent of their obvious care for her, Mum’s need to hear their actual words has now diminished considerably.

We are impressed no end. I believe this standard of care not only comes down to the standard of the staff who are employed at the facility, but also, most importantly, to the standard of those in management and the exemplary leadership and support they provide. Hence, though you may cringe a little when you walk into the building in comparison to others, be assured there is little else there that matters that isn’t close to perfect.

Having a relative placed in a facility where one knows they are going to live the remainder of their days, and where they will be at their most vulnerable, can be a huge and very emotional decision. It has been an immense relief for us that we can now walk out the door at any hour of the day knowing our Mum will be receiving the best of care whether we are present or not, and to see her so settled and relaxed. As the facility is to be rebuilt in the near future I envisage it will then be worthy of the highest rating possible … although a new rating system may need to be devised as even without the new building Berlasco Court has just received an accreditation score of 100%.

Post script:

September 2017:

Our precious Mum has since passed away and our greatest comfort is that she spent the end of her life midst the comfort and dignity she deserved and that her family was able to assist with her care, supported with compassion by all at Berlasco. We are indebted to the staff and it is without hesitation that I recommend Berlasco Court as a facility of outstanding quality, where, regardless of age, race, colour and creed, the provision of exceptional care is paramount.

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  1. I couldn’t agree more – Athena Ermides has been managing this site for almost 20 years – the care and services are exceptional – an industry standout


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