Feb 05, 2025

Former NDIS roster coordinator blows the whistle on systemic exploitation

Former NDIS roster coordinator blows the whistle on systemic exploitation

A former National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) roster coordinator has come forward to expose significant inefficiencies and exploitation within the Australian disability support system.

The whistleblower, an X (formerly Twitter) user known as Celine Against the Machine (@celinevmachine), posted a video outlining her experiences working as a roster coordinator for an NDIS service provider. Her revelations have sparked widespread debate about the integrity of the scheme and its impact on Australian taxpayers.

A Post That Sparked Debate

Celine’s video was one of many stemming in response to an X post by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, which stated that around one in five Australians have a disability.

This statistic was later echoed by Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Amanda Rishworth MP, who then reaffirmed the government’s commitment to ensuring an inclusive Australia for all people with disability.

However, the claim quickly became a lightning rod for controversy, as X users questioned the idea that 20% of the population was living with a disability and scrutinised the process used for determining disability while sharing personal accounts of fraud and mismanagement within the NDIS system.

The Whistleblower’s Testimony

In her video, Celine detailed her firsthand experience coordinating rosters for NDIS clients and managing a team of 70 staff. She claimed that while some clients genuinely required assistance – such as individuals with quadriplegia or severe disabilities – many others had conditions that she believed did not warrant taxpayer-funded support.

“To be honest, out of the 50 clients I had that were receiving care in their home, I’d say maybe 20-30% genuinely needed help with day-to-day tasks,” Celine stated. “The rest had mild intellectual disabilities, autism, things of that nature, and a lot of them had large care packages that the company I worked for was more interested in keeping rather than promoting independence.”

She went on to criticise the hiring practices of her former employer, alleging that most support workers were visa holders with limited English proficiency and no relevant qualifications. “I was actively told by management not to hire people with actual qualifications because they cost more,” she revealed.

Waste and Exploitation of Funds

Celine’s video also shed light on instances of NDIS funding being used for questionable purposes. She described a client who used his package to fund a trip to a strip club and another who had a taxpayer-funded holiday to Port Macquarie. These revelations fuelled further concerns that the scheme is being exploited.

“All those stories you hear about football tickets and extravagant spending—it’s all true,” she said. “It’s just a really, really exploitable system.”

Additionally, Celine alleged that management staff manipulated the system for personal gain. In a follow-up post, she described how one woman in management secured NDIS funding for three of her own family members. The woman’s husband, an NDIS support worker, was reportedly paid to “care for” his own relatives and refused to work with any other clients.

Additional Testimonies of NDIS Abuse

Celine’s account resonated with many current and former NDIS workers, prompting others to come forward with their own experiences. X user Ms Smudge (@smudge_green) shared her year-long experience as a psychosocial support worker, during which she was paid to perform tasks that she argued should not be taxpayer-funded.

These included cooking meals for able-bodied family members, taking clients to beauty salons, grocery shopping for entire families, and even completing household chores while clients slept or played video games.

One of her most shocking claims involved a participant who secured NDIS funding for a Thermomix under the guise of needing assistance with cooking, only for the device to be gifted to their daughter instead.

“People not connected to NDIS think that it is for severely disabled people,” she wrote. “They think of people with quadriplegia who need help with every aspect of personal care. In reality, many of the people on NDIS are there for some kind of mental illness or autism, and they have managed to get doctors to overstate the severity of their condition in order to qualify.”

The Need for Reform

The growing number of testimonies alleging mismanagement and fraud within the NDIS has intensified calls for systemic reform.

While Celine and other whistleblowers acknowledge that many Australians rely on the scheme for essential support, they argue that the current system enables widespread exploitation and inefficiencies.

“I don’t know what the solution is,” Celine admitted in her video. “I’m not a visionary. But the system is not what people think it is. It needs an overhaul.”

The NDIS is a critical pillar of disability support in Australia, but given continuing claims of widespread user fraud and provider corruption, urgent measures must be taken to prevent abuse and ensure funds are allocated to those who genuinely need them.

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  1. I am not surpised by the revelations as I have heard similar experiences from colleagues. We had an NDIS Cert 3 worker support one of our residents in an aged care facility. She told me she was paid $53 per hour, which was more than her husband who is a qualified and working paramedic.

    1. Since the Australian Government allowed most of this privatised NDIS Agencies and keep them funded , the level of care is not prioritize anymore. It is all about money, exploitation of the Carers, hiring unskilled, less experienced, no compasion and emphatetic workers, since then tge lives of the most vulnerable, helpless and with complex needs clients health is in very high risks.

  2. Good girl for speaking up. It’s blatantly obvious that the NDIS is being used by many, many people who simply look at it as a money pit. I know a woman who works for a company as a care worker… she hasn’t one qualification at all. She can’t look after her own kids, is a high functioning alcoholic and is an
    grub, and there she is, getting paid as a care worker.
    The amount of families that exaggerate a family members disability is rife.
    The companies that provide “care” are very good at making the big bucks. Pay the service provider ie gardener the least they can, then charge the NDIS client twice as
    much. It’s just the easiest money making business to be in… the service provider company.
    A huge overhaul and audits need to be performed on these cheats.

    1. I don’t disagree entirely but just remind you that they will only receive from the NDIS the standard fee approved by them no matter how they try to charge.

  3. My 26 yr old son is a qualified geologist and works on a gold mine he said he met an Indian truck driver who was going to start his own NDIS business as the mo ey is so good! The mine have stopped looking at certain foureign job applications as well due to their dodgy qualifications. They even change their names to English names. Another NDIS mother has put a son on anxiety meds to claim NDIS. It worked. Dr’s are the problem as well! Too scared to say no!
    Most of the AINS in aged care have absolutely no training when they come to Australia. Most are working 2 jobs and are unreliable as they work for the NDIS on the side.

  4. Though I dont agree with every alegatiins but goverment should remove NDIS complily and set properguidelines for each and every servicesthey should not fix theprice for la our they should bring competition in every firld to reduce the cost of services and technogy in all field somewhat iregularity can happen but when profit margin goes very high it is called rip off
    I am not on NDID ihave to pay lots of money out of poketto get services before I fight for every overcharged prices and they clearly 5old me we cant run buisness without profit margin i was under impression if we save .oney we are saving taxpayers money and geting more required services after paying so much money my family has to look after me in many instances I tried many care workers I realised they are also not less as what they do is 15 minit job will take 60 minute even person on wheel chair try to live 8ndependantly can finish certain work very fast than what care worker do before because I argued life become miserable I had been not paid for my agreed 8nvoices all gardber services very trick full they didnt paid I had all legal document my provider gardner quote me 2800 dollar to do first cleaning of overgrown garden I haven clean for one year I told this is too much I got quote for same 1500 and 1600 the person gave all his identification and was very good but provider played gamebehind back and removed my gardner saying his police report is not coean he has past history of gouse break up in real he was supose to besending all document to me but provider told him to give direct and than half way removed him from work by paying 1200 to him he really did good job and was very good human I ask them to give me copy of police report to belive what they said is truth but they denied it and I try to talk gardner he got his money he got very angry and said dont ring me it sounds thispeople played behind my back and thrten like this second gardner they had removed third4th 5 ththey go on removing as in my area there was monopoly of jims moving sefvices and may be like third world country this people hact like mafia and remove competion fromtheir way i did fight which has afected me mentaly physicaly and in real i become mentaly tortured person never fight against these mafia they zre working in group and u cant win over them i gave up now and finishing my pa kage bebind myown health but still i had veen tortured i dont get transport cab to go to destination they putstop on hiring any cab and reemburded it as because ofinability to keep acount i lost lots of money they claimed every invoice of mine but i didnt recived it in my bank acount and i realised agecare is big fraud by some people you catch your ear with right or left hand nothing is going to work out they are very powerful people and organisation we cant winover there so if wants services keep mum do your own work let them do what ever they wantedto and silently once i get back money which not paid to me will use up even though i have to pay higher fee but if i will talk my family willbe in problem as they make me bed wriden if i will talk i will not cet what i am geting and family will be in trouble
    So all whistle brower person will be ultimetly will be silenced out and life will go on
    Above wrting is extraction of someones rent out to me it is not me

  5. NDIS has not been functioning properly f I r some time now it’s good that someone has spoken out. In the case of staff on visas and unable to speak very good English is happening in care homes also. This is to save money on wages.

  6. An NDIS support worker banned for 12 months for dipping into clients funds through the agency she worked for, then became a provider herself, with 2 SIL properties also renting out.

  7. As someone with incomplete paraplegia who is not on NDIS but has worked in admin in a support provided I can tell you everything above is absolutely correct. One of our participants was using NDIS funding to visit a prostitute. Our company would do anything to ensure funds ended up with us, while not allowing participants to have the food choices they wanted because they were “too expensive”.

    I was personally affected when NDIS came in and the cost of footwear adjustments doubled over night from $100 per shoe to $200 per shoe. Luckily I found a non NDIS cobbler who does both shoes for about $70.

    I also know of people claiming support workers who are family, and who don’t really need support, spending the money on new cars etc.

    We must redefine disability. Illness is absolutely not disability. A disability is something that can be proven and is measurable. Which a significant portion of so called disabilities are not.

  8. I find this deeply offensive. This is the reason why people with a disability, both physical and psychosocial resent petty bureaucrats.

    This kind of journalism marginalising people with disabilities.

    Celine – if you think having a psychosocial disability is a walk in the park – why don’t you get locked up in a psych ward which is as good as a prison.

    How dare a person with autism have equity?

    Why don’t we cherry pick the fraud department and mish mash it as a way to say those with psychosocial disabilities and people with autism ‘aren’t really disabled because I can’t see it or do any research.’

    Clearly the organisation you were working for is corrupt. It’s corruption and bad management all profiting of people with disability and hurting the NDIS reputation that is a massive problem for the community.

    1. Here here! How awful was this blog…not journalism….actually it is liableous. No heart or compassion…just attacking people.

    2. Yes, exactly. I wanted to comment the same thing, but did not have the emotional energy. It’s articles like this that make life even harder for NDIS participants than it already is. Thank you.

  9. I have two able bodied children with Autism and what people fail to understand is that this disability prevents the person from doing any tasks that they aren’t interested in doing. Consequently both my children have suffered severe neglect , abuse and and have also been diagnosed with PTSD as a result of service providers expecting them to do able bodied tasks that they have no ability to perform. Autism is an invisible disability and a very serious one, and should never be seen otherwise. It’s easy to judge from the outside, but until you ask a person with Autism why they can’t clean their house, never assume they have the mental ability to do so just because they are able bodied.

    1. Amen, this is a bit of a disturbing article and only for the reason that people actually think we’re all a bunch of scammers and I’m 100% sure that this world is destined for ruin, it’s because people are just selfish and they all have Stockholm Syndrome, too believe we all have privileges rather than rights!, people with disabilities aren’t wanted members of society we’re just a waste space and Tax Payer money, it’s funny right cuz they’re all man-made constructs. 🙏

  10. Roster coordinator … Just remember you keep repeating that autism and mentally ill people don’t need NDIS services. Higher level autism and severe unremitting mental illness absolutely do need assistance that’s why there are services out there to provide them group homes with care workers. Please be specific instead of talking garbage

    1. Agree. These conditions deserve our support as do the families that can be ripped apart without it. The executive function challenges and overwhelm involved in autism and mental health conditions are not understood by many.

  11. Yes to all of this. I was a Support Worker & Cleaner for NDIS. Some of my “Autistic” clients would go out for coffee dates, watch tv, sleep, or just watch me while I cleaned their entire house. They were much younger and more capable than me. As a support worker, you’re meant to be helping them to clean/cook etc to maintain their independence- you’re not supposed to be their maid and butler. I had to stop because it wasn’t good for my mental health to see people take advantage of the system. Infuriating.

    1. Oh, you seem like such a nice person, it’s that way of thinking that has got a center this sort of position!

  12. Agreed I’m an ndis participant but the company I’m with are getting rich and not for us clients but for their bank balance only been told by staff not my job to help and go cry to your support co ordinator instead of helping me in their care

  13. Re. Mental Health & Autism : When you have a family member with Mental Health issues or Autism, you understand why Levels 2 and 3 qualify for the NDIS. Care and support is significantly challenging for all involved, and dismissing Mental Health issues and Autism as lower end needs, not appropriate for NDIS assistance, shows a lack of understanding of the complexity and impact of these conditions on both the affected individuals and their families. It is not easy to qualify, and the assessment process is rigorous. People, once qualified. may attempt to submit inappropriate claims, but these are unlikely to pass scrutiny and receive payment. Without knowing individual circumstances, it’s not wise to judge.

    1. Absolutely agreed!! Lack of knowledge and understanding is just ignorance.
      The system is flawed because of the people who have done the wrong thing by abusing the NDIS funding and the people who are actually struggling and are genuinely needing the supports are made to feel like they’re frauds!

    2. Hear hear! Care is 24/7 with late nights and chronic parental lack of sleep from ASD meltdowns, panic attacks, sudden hunger that MUST be catered to at 3am for example and anger because suddenly it’s dark time and others are going to bed.

      There’s huge daily confusion and exhaustion for a person with Autism level two and three to make sense of what’s going on around them. Carers are on demand without a pause button in the home ( parents ).

      I have two children with big challenges. The challenge in turn for parents, is to try and learn to navigate and provide individualised care. It’s parents who knows their kids the best, never service providers. If a provider says this or that is needed but it just doesn’t feel right when you try it, it likely isn’t.

      NDIS participants do have rights. Familiarise yourself as a participant and know exactly what help you need. Having a plan manager if you cannot self manage can be helpful. I’d advise against having ones NDIS plan, Provider managed. One experience here I know of consisted of a therapist booking in appointments two years in advance despite the participant looking to work from every 12 months.

      The total cost of services amounted to over $15,000 just for speech therapy going by the therapists schedule in this instance, where the therapist then pressured the NDIS participant to quickly pay what they said was then owing before the financial year was about to end in literally two days. Not only this but the therapist worked under an umbrella provider service so the NDIS participant received contacts left right and centre including from the management all angling things differently to get money for zero services provided yet, going as far as to say the participants signature was not even needed, just for them to transfer the cash.

      Plan managed, means having a mediator who handles the bills basically, with your approval. It can be a supportive measure to confront unethical business provider practices if they arise.

  14. Hi, I’ve been in this industry for just over 2 years. I am a registered provider. What I have gathered in these 2 years is, the participants think that the money allotted to their NDIS plan is there money and they can spend it where ever they want. I was approached by a participant to pay him cash, I refused and the very next week he ceased my services. I have even brought this out to couple of LAC’s and even the planner’s in the past that when a participant is issued a plan, an executive from NDIS should come to drop the papers to them and explain them about the plan.

  15. When looking at illnesses that may not be physical there need’s are often equivalent in those with a physical disability ie individual with severe mental illness care need’s are equivalent to that of a quadredgic verses moderate – mild disability equates to paraplegic.
    It’s also about the ability to engage in a meaningful way of society having a sense of belonging.

  16. I think everyone should be registered and certified to work in the sector
    Also maybe change it to a Medicare type system where you need to have a provider number and an appropriate item number
    It needs to be tightened up and more money put towards detecting fraud

  17. As an NDIS participant this is my fear . People like myself that can’t walk, I’m vision impaired with a seeing eye dog are getting ripped off. One support co Ordinator I had went through 12 months ot funding in 6, the girls that come to help are terrified of dogs. (Some barely speak English/hard to understand) . Thank god I won’t tolerate it but there are people that can’t stand up for themselves. My funding has been running out early plan managed.

  18. “These included cooking meals for able-bodied family members, taking clients to beauty salons, grocery shopping for entire families, and even completing household chores while clients slept or played video games.”

    I have a chronic health condition that is not severe enough for me to qualify for NDIS. I am able to work, but I have chronic pain and fatigue. For years, I would finish my work day, go home and nap for about 3 hours, then get up just long enough to walk my dog and do some chores before going back to bed. I was well enough to work, but at the expense of literally everything else.

    Sure, I am physically capable of doing a lot of things, but my functional capacity to do those things is a lot more limited than the average person’s.

    Now I am a parent, I have a partner who picks up a lot of the slack, and I outsource a lot of things like cooking and cleaning. We are financially able to do that, for which I am very grateful.

    The idea that using NDIS funds for things like grocery shopping and chores is inappropriate is really off base. If course it can be used for those things. If a person can’t physically drive or push a shopping trolley, they need help with shopping. Why can’t people understand that it’s just as valid if a person finds shopping centres difficult to navigate, or over- stimulating, or if they find it hard to get there due to fatigue (which is not the same as just being tired)?

    People with disabilities are allowed to have a life outside of work and appointments. If all their spoons (physical energy, emotional energy, mental energy) are used up by just trying to live, then they need help to do things beyond that.

    Sure, the thermomix story sounds dodgy. But most of this sounds like judgemental BS from someone who should never have been working in the disability sector in the first place.

    1. Whistleblower did not say all participants & providers are dodgy but some are. I have worked with DADHC as a LAC, roster coordinator & more recently as a CoS & can state there are so many people ripping off the system from all angles. I recently resigned as a CoS because the participant was growing 100 marijuana plants; at first I thought it was a few for pain relief. The so called gardener was billing NDIS for 40hours per week & her mum 90+ hours per week for personal care (no skills not even first aid) the NDIA tracked me down after I left and I explained that I wasn’t prepared to be involved with an illegal use of funding. The person has since passed away but these two leeches have blood on their hands.

    2. I agree. Participants need to be properly assessed on their own merits. There are so many hidden disabilities that are not obvious and are easily overlooked or misunderstood.

      I have a brain injury and my capacity varies a lot especially on bad days.

  19. I’m a quadriplegic who has carers as my hands don’t work i need them to do intermittent catheters every 4 to 6 hours maximum to prevent autonomic dysreflexia also need them to shower dress me toilet me prepare food take me to appointments at Fiona Stanley hospital Royal Perth hospital and Fremantle hospital yet NDIS fund paedophile and criminals yet cut my night funding so I have to wait for morning shift to clean me so NDIS need to focus on the people who are ripping off the system wake up and chase the providers who are milking the NDIS

  20. Yes, I’ve worked for a client for 5 months, who had apparent heart problems and could pass out at any time (apparently) but could sprint walk along the beach and go surfing. He had three carers over 7 days and apparently needed the hours from 9am – 8pm. He also had mental health issues and, on a daily basis, would call the NDIA or even Bill Shortens office and proceed to abuse whomever he spoke to.

  21. Whenever there is Government money available, there are always the parasites in society that set up to ” suck the buck” for their own greed and benefit.
    The intent of NDIS is noble, but in practice it’s a disaster for taxpayers. Somethings have to change or the country will go broke

    1. I would be lost without the assistance of my SW.I have a psychosocial disability which can be debilitating.Hospital admissions are cyclic and last admission was 6weeks.l need the assistance to rebilitate in my cognitive skills and help physically as l had 6weeks of electro-convulsive therapy and had side-effectsI.l am only getting some of my memory and strength back now some three months later.However it is typical for me to have recurrent admissions.So l am in a continual disability.My SWs are all trained in mental health and We work together for me to achieve my potential.I think this is the key to have only fully trained SW that can assist participants reach their potential and improve there quality of life. I people were honest and not greedy this scheme would work.It really upsets me to feel the stigma and judgement put back on me because l have a psychosocial disability.lf only it were a matter of snapping my fingers to put an end to the distress.

    2. We’ll go broke buying submarines long before we go broke by caring for disabled people. Funny how every other part of the government is okay to rort money from taxpayers but not the one that actually tries to help disabled people.

  22. Autism and adhd/neurodivergent diagnoses should NOT be under NDIS…it should be under community mental health services, child/youth/adult – with significant govt funds pumped into those contracts. That would clean up the rort significicantly.

  23. This is a simplistic and horrible article that demonises the scheme. Yes outcomes and training are horrible but you simply overstate participant fraud, without mention of deaths and abuse that take place. This is not the way forward and shame on you for posting hate mongering shit.

  24. Just because you have a certain experience doesn’t mean it’s universal. I’m surprised you’d comment that autism isn’t a significant concern, especially given your work experience. It seems you might be judging people based on appearances and physical conditions. Shouldn’t you be held accountable for not being qualified to assess who needs support, rather than complaining on social media? It’s puzzling that the NDIS provides such privileges while I have to maintain regular speech pathology and OT sessions fortnightly to manage balance.

  25. The sad thing is, I look after an autistic gentleman. He is severely disabled. He can’t even wipe his own bottom. His finding is way lower than people i know in the system who don’t even deserve to be there.

  26. I know where i used to work are hiring people who are serving up meals like pasta with gravy. No veg or meat, when you see former clients out they are filthy, dirty clothes smelling of urine. Staff walking around either on their phone or have headphones on. Not interacting with clients… i was so disgusted i left.

  27. I was really interested in this, until I read “She claimed that while some clients genuinely required assistance – such as individuals with quadriplegia or severe disabilities – many others had conditions that SHE BELIEVED” did not warrant taxpayer-funded support.

  28. Sadly there are many cases of this kind of practice by plan managers, providers and participants. There are also family members claiming a carers pension when they do absolutely nothing for the participant.

  29. I totally agree and have witnessed gross inconsistensies in provision and delivery of care services to participants who were significantly well able to cope with minutes family assistance therefore not requiring more than half of the yearly allocated funding. The system of funding distribution needs to have an intermédiairy body to investigate, reassess needs v/s allocated funding. Money should NOT be handed out so easily to those participants & families capable of sustainef living. I have had years of experience with highly disabled participants thus I fully understand that appropriate funding ought to be made to those who deserve this aid to empower and better their lives rather than financing those who have found NDIS to be « à à quick get rich schème ».

  30. Reading this makes my blood boil, my sister has been declined funding NDIS both time she has applied. She has peripheral neuropathy, can hardly walk, stage 4 kidney disease, her memory and processing of information has been affected by 2 mini strokes she had and has regular eye injections so she doesn’t go blind. I know someone who only has the same memory and processing information due to a heart attack, they received $85000 a year and have to find things to spend it on so as not to downgrade the funding, things that should not be funded, where is the fairness in that.

  31. My sister past away in April last year. She had terminal melanoma. She had approximately 4 small strokes and one in wish the found a 44 millimetre brain bleed in her optical lobe. She developed memory loss, mood swings. Was in a wheelchair, diabetes, vascular issues. Could not wash or cook for herself. We managed to get NDIS for her. We went through 3 providers. Each one was unbelievably bad. Sending international staff that couldn’t cook. Had no training. Another coordinator had stolen her ring door bell off her door and when she left she put it in her wheelie bin. If was caught on camera. When she was confronted she went and bought another one and charged it to NDIS. She was charged with stealing by the police. My poor sister went through hell. The used all her NDIS funding up on God knows what. We were given pages and pages of receipts for training. WHAT TRAINING. ALL LIES. As I said the care staff were not trained, couldn’t speak or understand English. The system is disgusting and flawed. There is so much more i could tell you.

  32. I Have two boys with ASD and ADHD, the funding they have goes to only what they need. I believe the support that they will receive through therapies will improve their life style and independence drastically. I fear that we will be rorted by a greedy company, I’m so careful with who we use. I’m grateful for NDIS and would never dream of taking it for granted.

  33. Good on you for speaking out, yes there is alot of people out there taking advantage of the system.
    I have a son who is 39 functions at a 2-3 year old level who is also epileptic, has level3 ASD and behavioural issues
    I have changed companies 5 times for him because of abuse and neglect. I have to fight hard to get the funding he requires

  34. Im an NDIS Client 3 or more years ago my support carer defrauded me of nearly 37000 dollars,she also knew I have terminal cancer,I reported it to NDIS also NDIS FRAUD department, I even went to a local member of parliament,can not get any answers from any of them,I believe iff my 37000 dollars was one million or more they be chasing it up big time,absolute disgrace.

  35. I have a adult son with autism.It has been my experience that we have had to fight for and justify every cent he gets in his NDIS plan.Now we are fighting the NDIA decision to change the status of music therapy.
    My dealing with the system is that you require lots of documentation to ask for anything.Maybe if some one spent more time and energy in getting rid of fraud those in society who really meed the system would be better off

  36. I understand the problem however in reference to people with “mild autism or mental health issues”
    I can honestly say that as a person who has a similar condition….the days my support person helps me around the house (when I’ve been going through a difficult time) are an absolute Godsend or helps me get out if I’m feeling anxious or agoraphobic

    There are times when I can do things myself and times when I can’t and it’s not always easy to engage socially (sometimes doctors over-Medicate and those drugs can be HEAVILY sedating

    I know myself, that one of the hardest things to do is just allow my support person to do cleaning while I am resting or listening to a meditation…because we tend to feel guilty, but the truth is I really needed her help and I’m very grateful to have her in my life

  37. I have heard lot of African coming over together the job who are on thier student visa.

    There are few of the NDIS providers and some training providers are duplicated in systematic corruption to people smuggling to get job in NDIS.

  38. If people are incapable of going anywhere by themselves, they should be able to use the NDIS for recreation and say support to go and get a haircut. Sometimes someone with a mental illness or Autism need support to maintain employment. And an aim of NDIS is to get people into employment. For example someone may be highly intelligent but unable to processonline text. Nowhere near everyone in Australia who has a disability is funded by NDIS. Only 400,000 of the 18% of the population who have a disability are funded. I am paraplegic and I am not funded. I agree that many providers rort the system with low qualified workers who they don’t bother to train or supervise properly. They cut corners in order to make a profit. Some are registered on the stock exchange. I don’t think profit and good care are compatible
    Disabled people and their families are thrown out on the free market with no advice or support to choose good quality providers. The free market is open to corruption and a resigning of responsibility by governments of both sides.

  39. We are participants, have a $300000 package high needs, the Ndis won’t even fund a $509 mattress without a $3000 assessment. NDIS IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD SINCE Watergate, noone will listen, noone cares. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN SET UP SYSTEMATICALLY LIKE CENTRELINKNOR MEDICARE. IT IS ATRICIOUS AND A WASTE OF TAXPAYER FUNDED$ HELPS NOONE.

  40. How bloody ignorant could she be… mild brain Injury , autism etc. My daughter has a Necrotic Frontal Lobe, and idiots like her who k ow nothing a out the consequences are always surprised about her needs.

    Shorthand , my daughter is a physiological psychopath: She has o restraint, she is violent, abusive: naive rape,drugs, and financial abuse is a constant fear. She will be in supervised housing for the rest of her life.

    People with no lived experience should shut their fucking mouths: our lives are not for your ignora t opinion. This bitch just wants click and doesn’t are about the fallout we have to live with. I pray she suffers a brain injury.

  41. The NDIS needs a thorough overhaul to ensure only those who are in need receive assistance to live/exist in the community. Taking people for a drive while the NDIS provider does there shopping is not assisting the client to exist/interreact within society or develop skills to improve their living skills

  42. This is on of miss information and half truth
    Stories like this create every more negative about the ndis
    This is really poor jounalism

  43. Mental health is certainly a disability, the stigma around this never seem to go away,you can’t shut people in a cupboard, they also need help
    Autism impacts a person’s life greatly for the rest of their lives too,so don’t discount them either.
    So don’t just look at people with a visible disability,there are many more people with complex needs that we can’t see.

    Yes I agree there are those that exploit the system,but that just makes it difficult on those who really need it.
    I do agree things need to be looked at and stop taking things away for those who really need the assistance.

  44. My daughter has Autism spectrum disorder. She needs 24 hour care as she has an intellectual disability as well She is not capable of cooking, self care, cannot drive, cannot dress herself without help. Please do not label Autism aa not needing NDIS funding. This is inappropriate labelling. Higher functioning Autistics may not need as much care but you are so wrong in saying people with Autism shouldn’t be funded. You have infuriated me. Service providers are corrupt in many ways and I am constantly fighting with them. I know of people who have secured funding for Thermomixes and do not agree with this. But NDIS has now stopped this sort of funding.

  45. There are also widespread problem with service providers exploiting individuals with disabilities especially intellectual disabilities and its very important to address these issues as well. We also need to note experiences of vulnerable people when dealing with NDIS.

  46. Our NDIS market provides services and people who need them and get assessed and a tailored budgeting plan to purchase supports as per their unique ndis funding of lump sums is messy but these businesses are held to LEGAL account for their operations.

    Clients have seen and unseen disabilities and behaviours and mental illness is a debilitating life long disease. People doing rosters do not have skills to decipher the preventative and lifelong impacts of the value of a person’s longevity and quality of life.

    Disgusting to see the examples used as a shameful waste of money. Taking the negative opinionated stance that you have is repugnant towards any of the 20% of people who have mental illnesses or disabilities and their family friends and community.

    Who are you to decide and shamefully disgrace the confidentiality and dignity of people you are referring to since leaving your job.

    Walk a day in that person’s shoes. Say something respectful next time. One haircut may save a life. You are ignorant and judgemental privileged and you are why stigma and discrimination still exists in toxic services. Don’t kick people in the back after you’ve worked there. Those sad clients would be so upset you think like you do about how they spend their ndis funds and your thoughts are contagious if you don’t shut up and reflect on what damage you just did in your post 🤔. No time for people like you. Get a career out of humanities. You need help.

  47. I am not surprised,my neighbour rorts this system blind,3 cleaners in one day sometimes all three are there at the same time,has cleaners stay at her house while she is on holidays and the place is empty.

  48. I am a care worker in the community and have also witnessed clients who are quite able with children a mortgage and working full time – getting ridiculous amounts of funding for “multiple disabilities” ….:for me to help move rooms while she paints each room of her house that she has just purchased – not to cook meals as stipulated – these were also 4 hour shifts that her daughter would sometimes tell me after an hour or upon just arriving that I could go home… when I questioned my employer why I would need to go there as she can do everything …. I was advised you still get paid for it if you leave early… my reply was I would rather help people who actually need my help…
    A previous client who is a quadriplegic as a result of a fall from her roof in her late 60s didn’t qualify for NDIS and relies on aged care funding and got very little help ….. this blew my mind ….. you have this young mum able to buy her house she works full time from home can drive a car raise a child paint her house cook her meals .. she could do everything she needed to do and yet this woman confined to a bed got very little help …. This system is so wrong and they need more people on the ground eyeballing each case… going to their homes and actually seeing what’s going and what help is needed to keep them in their own homes.
    An overhaul is long overdue and how sad to hear that NDIS has never been looked into since its inception in 2013

  49. Its really sad when someone wants to bad mouth and highlight problems with the ndis after she leaves the position where she managed 70 staff. As a support coordinator 100% of the participants i suport have disabilitiea that warrent support from the wider community

  50. I work in the NDIS space with clients mostly in crisis. The checks and balances the NDIS needs lies in the integrity of those overseeing the application of supports and the frequent measures of those supports. Yes, some providers do misuse the system. This is predominantly seen for “captured clients” (clients who have all their NDIS supports coordinated & delivered by the same organisation) and clients who have had their plans roll over rather than having regular plan review meetings with the NDIA.
    This NDIS is changing rapidly, with an emphasise on capacity building supports,and while this application works well for participants with a recent disability and a statistically significant chance of recovery (after all, the NDIS was originally structured with neurodivergent disabilities in the spotlight) this does not account for abiding by the discrimination act.
    What we understand of a meaningful life is that everyone should have the ability to participate in what is deemed meaningful in their society: Employment, housing, family & social connection are the main tenants.
    Providers should be delivering supports that directly (not indirectly) link to these.
    Local councils needs to be held accountable for the management of local accessibility (inspecting accessible disability parking both established & proposed) private enterprise abiding allocation quotas. A more inclusive and holistic integration of interconnecting departments (Child protection, health, housing etc) to ensure wrap around supports instead of beurocratic red tape; realtime evaluation of provider outcomes that provide raw data rather than politically skewed representations) just to name a few.

    While society is still lagging in its inclusive infrastructure & biases, participants should not be punished by the greedy and minority who attempt to exploit.

  51. There are absolutely people taking advantage. Just today I saw a advert for a “support worker to complete a 2nd bathroom and kitchen renovation on their home under NDIS” advertised on Mable.

    But the other side is, I have a client who has had both legs amputated,and he can’t get approval for support more than 3 hrs a day, because “he can pull himself up the kitchen bench to make coffee if he can’t wait till staff arrive” according the NDIS meeting staff, nor has he been able to get approval for a ramp at house entrance, so he relies on a friend to carry him out and down the stairs if he desperately needs to leave the house. Otherwise he just stays home.
    The NDIS is a joke.

  52. I to have report fraud to the commission and have solied evidence to prove it it is tolal discrase how support workers and clients can rort this service at the tax payers expense and then there are people in great need of help and get the bare minimum I will not stop till justice is done to these people it’s a discrase my next step is exposure to a current affair

  53. Under qualified respite workers.
    Have no idea about disability.
    Earn $65 p/h
    I don’t know any other occupations that start at that base line

  54. Yes sounds very familiar. I believed the induction video about helping g clients to become independent, onlt to be told to fuck off when trying to enable like the client.
    Another provider only feed uwnts Aldi chicken Snitzel n Deb mashed potatoes but charged them 1,500 per day for respite care.

  55. I totally agree.
    I have not been comfortable with NDIS from the start as I saw as a GP people on NDIS who live life so comfortably when they could actually work! It is a lucrative business subject to abuse and misuse!

  56. As a health care worker visiting people in their homes I see exploitation constantly. Those that really need the support don’t get it and those who physically don’t need it get all the support they want. It’s so frustrating to see. Especially when there are able bodied family members living in the home. Sitting watching tv while support workers clean around them.

  57. These allegations are solid proof of a failed system. I have seen many with no genuine NDIS need but in the system exploiting the tax payers. How does a person independent and self caring, showers himself, dresses himself, feeds himself get cares 5days a week from 7am to 11pm.
    I can relate many more similar. People know how to exploit and People in the system know how to allow it. The problem is at the top management level starting from the minister.

  58. I’m a nurse myself and have seen so many people who get NDIS and I have no idea how they have qualified for it.
    I’ve seen myself support workers going and cleaning peoples houses while they slept and even one worker who had to get a mothers kids up for school while she stayed in bed and slept. That mother had adhd.
    One parent gets it for 3 of her kids, her baby was on it before she started eating. Who’s approving all these people?

  59. Good on you spilling the beans! More need to come out about failures in th system. Also the companies that have for many years ripped off the system owing, Thousands & even no doubt hundreds of thousands. Fancy dinners holidays ect ect. Especially after now being auditted by the NDIS. Though they get a ban for a couple of yrs? Then get a new company name & redo it! Not being made to pay back the ripped off funds!

  60. This is a person without any formal medical qualifications. Just because she believes that someone isn’t disabled enough to require support doesn’t mean that’s accurate. Also it’s misleading to claim she is an NDIS worker when she actually worked for a different organisation that was committing fraud. Sure people do things that are wrong but the biggest stigma around disability comes from people like this who clearly do not understand how difficult life can be with a mental or neurological disability.

  61. Yes, I have heard these stories. Some of these genuine carers have BIG HEARTS ♥️. for their clients. Only to see the parents stopping their carers from giving the disabled person the BEST LIFE POSSIBLE. The person that gets HURT is the person with the DISABILITY… the CLIENT and some genuine CARERS.

    You are so correct that it’s the people in MANAGEMENT that are getting away with it.
    My friend tells me all the horrible stuff that goes on behind the scenes. PLEASE 🙏 contact me if you need more SUPPORT on this story.

    PLEASE HELP and STAMP out these people on the wrong side of CARING. Shame on them for doing this to the people who really need this service.
    The disabled have it hard enough already.

  62. Couldn’t agree more with her comments.Funding should be used to encourage independence not dependence .

  63. I think all it comes down to is that the NDIS needs to get it s*** together, they need to get it back to the way it was originally intended for, now with every man and his dog being able to get on to the NDIS without any real checks regarding the severity of their disability it’s no surprise the scheme is being ripped off. As a person with a physical disability this really angers me, with all the changes, I can’t even get funded for the simplest things…

  64. I’m annoyed at the blatant rip off of taxpayers money. I’m a Carer for my sister and have seen prices for services increase just because it comes from her NDIS package. I am fortunate that a lot of people know my sister and let me know if her support workers aren’t doing their job.
    I have had one person tell me that for her Gym session my sister was put on a treadmill for 20 mins while the support person walked away and sat down to attend to her phone. That person will no longer support my sister. Another support worker told me her Uncle is on NDIS and the family
    ‘care’ for him but he doesn’t go anywhere or do anything. I advised to report it for his sake. There has to be a way to ensure in this overhaul genuine disabled people aren’t the ‘baby thrown out with the bath water ‘

  65. I worked as a carer for NDIS clients and thought exactly the same. People who really need support couldn’t get it through bureaucracy, but family members or friends of NDIS providers easily have free cleaners for their houses and companions for groceries shopping. I left the area…

  66. My thoughts are that anyone who would rather focus on squeezing money out of people with no prospects or upward mobility in their current lives, instead of curbing the ever growing wealth divide between those who run the country and those who actually live in it, are people too focussed on punching down.

    Lift up the struggling people around you in any way you can, even if you don’t have time or money to give them yourself, we can demand the government atleast try.

    Cutting NDIS funding will not make mine or anyone else’s life better. I am certain of this.

  67. Hi my partner has ms and bed ridden non verbal, I have 2carers in the morning for 2hr and 2 carers in the afternoon for 2hrs,then I look alfter him,some of the carers are not doing what my partners needs are, so I complained to there boss ,she told me to look for another provider, so I did ,I went through the billing of the carers and noticed the company was changing me for more than 4hrs a day, as the carers only do 4hrs a day, I phoned the ndis and told them what the company was changing, and one of the carers that look alfter another client found out the company was changing the client for extra hour that the carer did not do ,the company sacked the carer,this is only a small company and the boss of the business is ripping all her clients and carers, she needs to be accountable for fraud,

  68. OMG.
    I’m a ndis client and what I’ve witnessed and experienced and how the support providers exploited me to spend monies for services has been an interesting few yrs indeed.

    I have Ankylosising Spondylosis (plus other severe spinal probs). I asked all my support workers do they understand what AS is ….. every person said I had problems with my ankles!!!

    As for the ndis and how they divide and don’t support married couples is truly atrocious and not supportive at all.

  69. Hi I have a complaint about a builder, that replaced tiles on the floor and walls, the builder only did part of the walls, took my lge toilet and replaced it with a toilet that should be in a kindergarten, I can not use it at all.the floor tiles are all ways looking dirty, and are slippery, when I have a shower the water goes in to the other room,so the carers have to put towels in front of the door so it doesn’t go in the other room plus the power point was to be replaced with a water proof one and its the same as what I had ,complained to the organiser from ndis all he did was gave me 6 boxes of tiles and glue to finish the job, what a joke ,it cost $13,000 no wonder ndis is getting ripped off, and I am still trying to get them to fix the bathroom as it’s been 5years still getting the same answer not there problems. I have aggressive ms,and I have carers that I will not let them shower me as it’s very dangerous for them and me iam bed ridden all day long.

  70. Simular happens in Aged care on a HCP package
    Physio suddenly increase price for home visit. 7 min from their office to home. Used to be $110 for 20min services + $30 for travel.
    Suddenly it is $220 all together, explanation by manager for the travel time they could book a full Physio service into clinic, therefore prize has
    increased to $110 for treatment and $110 travel equal $ 220 WOW this effects old people und disabled people. What a disgrace



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