Jan 28, 2022

Healthy 30-year-old woman moves in to senior community village

30yo lives in retirement village

While being young and in full health, she had decided to move into a community with a majority of senior people. 

In making a list of where a 30-year-old might call home, most people wouldn’t put a village, catering to the lifestyles and people aged 55 and over, in the top 10. 

Well, forget the top 10! Coming in at first place of where she wanted to live, Florida resident Liz turned expectations upside down. Despite having no health concerns and being fully capable of residing independently, she decided to make a senior community village her home. 

The residential community – usually called a lifestyle village in Australia – far from merely covering her basic needs has excelled past them, Liz has reported from her social media TikTok account @LizWizdom

This past week saw Liz unveil her unusual choice of residence. She took her audience on a tour, a day in her life, complete with a stint in the library to share some puzzles and enjoying her 80-year-old neighbour’s homemade baking. 

She also highlighted a trip to the beach where she was able to listen in on a discussion surrounding the best reading glasses, and what to look out for, before returning to her building to enjoy a party.

Guests brought a delicious spread of food, partook of each other’s company and were able to listen to music played live. Liz left the residence a little while later to catch up with friends, in her own demographic, to remind her of her “real age”.

The video Liz made of her unusual residential life quickly went viral, with many in her audience asking why she had chosen to live in a senior living community?

Liz quickly followed the initial video up, describing how she had decided to move into the senior citizen community due to personal preference and the opportunity arising.

“So when a unit became available that I wanted to rent, they already knew that, yeah I’m young, but I’m not going to be throwing ragers and I’m DTP – that means down to puzzle.”

She recalls how, after being given the green light by the managing authority, she merely had to sign a leave and organise the move in.

She added that it had “been great” since starting her new life among her 55+ friends and community.

Continuing to share her life, Liz has gone on to showcase more humorous quirks of her living arrangement, such as the heated pool being usually empty due to it still being too cold for the typical resident.

Audiences were also shown the herb garden, posters dotted about the complex with “rules” to abide by, a library room full to the brim with books and puzzles, and a gym with broken equipment with seemingly no urgency to get fixed.

Most who viewed the videos were perplexed and amused by Liz’s revelation. Many conveyed a delighted enthusiasm to also join a 55+ community so as to enjoy the precious moments, and unique, relaxing and serene environment.

One such viewer wrote, “I didn’t even think this was possible. I would thrive here.”

Another followed by saying, “Why are we not living like this as standard. Why do we have to wait until we’re 55?”

The reactions coming thick and fast, “HOW DO I ALSO GET TO LIVE THIS DREAM? Please! Tell them I’ll share my FURLS crochet hooks. This is exciting,” capital letters showing how much the lifestyle had intrigued another viewer.

Looking at the rules governing the community, while most of the residents were stipulated to be 55 years and older, a small percentage were permitted to be under that age and live in the complex.

Since the onset of the pandemic, Liz conveyed that she had worked from home while living in the building.

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  1. I found it interesting when you said that knowing your health concern is important when you are living on your own. My cousin told me last night that he is hoping to find a retirement village for his retirement plan, and he asked if I have any idea what is the best option to do. Thanks to this informative article, I’ll be sure to tell him that it will be much better if he consults a trusted commercial lawyer in town as they can answer all his inquiries.


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