Sep 22, 2020

Identity of mystery woman dropped outside Sunshine Coast hospital remains unknown

As previously reported by HelloCare, a woman believed to be in her 80s was left outside the entrance of Nambour General Hospital on 6 September.

Police are now hoping that photos of the woman, and a rustic gold ring she was wearing, may help to solve the mystery of her identity. 

The woman, picked up from the side of the road in Mooloolah on the Sunshine Coast, was dropped at the hospital by a man who has not been publicly identified. 

The man has since met with the police multiple times, but according to Inspector Matt Robertson, has not been able to shed any light on the identity of the woman.

“He’s located her on the side of the road and dropped her off where he thought she could get some assistance. She was in a vulnerable situation, requiring medical attention,” Mr Robertson said.

The woman who was non-verbal and in need of medical attention when she arrived at Nambour General Hospital has improved significantly and has since been transferred to Sunshine Coast University Hospital.

Despite the improvements in her health, Insp. Roberson said it has been “challenging” to obtain further information. He did not respond directly to questions asking if she is aware of her own identity.

“She’s improving daily and getting her strength back, but we still need further inquiries to identify who she is,” he said.

A number of leads provided by the public have been investigated, but Insp. Robertson said he was confident that none of the names put forward to date are relatives of the woman.

Police have also been in touch with local RSL, aged facilities, shopping centres and doctors’ practices hoping to identify the woman.

Insp. Robertson said that there were “no signs of elder abuse” and that police are not conducting a criminal investigation.

“We just want to reunite her with her family, “ he said.

If you have information for police, contact Policelink by providing information using the online suspicious activity form 24hrs per day at

Photos distributed by Queensland police.

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