May 14, 2019

CarePage announces a strategic partnership with Ageing Asia

Announced at today’s 10th International Ageing Asia Innovation Forum (AAIF), CarePage and Ageing Asia are pleased to announce they have entered into a strategic partnership that will see the companies facilitate channels for sharing best practice in aged care.

“We are excited by the opportunity this partnership presents to connect the Australian aged care sector with leading ageing experts and organisations from around the globe,” said CarePage Founder and CEO, Lauren Todorovic.

The announcement comes at a time when the quality of Australia’s aged care system is in the spotlight.  

“Right now, we have a real opportunity to improve the future of aged care,” said Ms. Todorovic.

“Taking learnings from around the world, we can address the current issues to deliver better models of care,” she said.

18 months in the making, the partnership is built on a shared purpose to improve the ageing experience.

Announcing the partnership at the AAIF today, Asia Founder and Managing Director, Janice Chia said, “both businesses bring their own strengths, and most importantly myself, Lauren and the team share a common vision to create a better quality of life for elders – ageing with health, independence, and dignity.”

While the first phase of the partnership will see the companies working together to share ageing content through CarePage’s digital channels, further expansion will bring CarePage’s consumer reviews site and customer experience tracking platform to the Singapore market.

“Our growing partnership promises to benefit both the Australian and Singaporean ageing sectors, bringing access to increased industry and consumer market intelligence.

“We look forward to working with Ageing Asia to champion the voice of the consumer and drive continuous improvement in ageing services,” said Ms. Todorovic.

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