Aug 29, 2023

Maggie Beer forges new path to improve nutrition in aged care

News of the series follows the launch of the highly anticipated complaints hotline for food and nutrition in aged care last month. [Source: Screen Australia]

Australian food icon Maggie Beer is back in front of a camera as part of her new show dedicated to remould and raise awareness about nutrition and food delivery in aged care.

Maggie Beer’s Big Mission is currently being filmed in Perth as part of a new ABC series following Maggie’s social experiment to overhaul an aged care home by transforming meals, the dining experience and the dining room surroundings to improve the health of residents.

Over four months, Maggie and her team of experts will attempt to overcome challenging obstacles to deliver a nutritious and tasty new menu to residents of the facility. The dining room and garden areas will also be given a revamp to foster a positive dining experience.

The show is a collaboration between Screen Australia, ABC, Screenwest and Artemis Media and hopes to instigate the rollout of a new food model for Australian aged care facilities.

Screen Australia’s Head of Documentary Alex West said, “We are incredibly proud to support this ground-breaking documentary that envisions a more enriching, vibrant and compassionate chapter for our seniors.”

“We’re thrilled to be working with Maggie Beer again, whose skill, passion and dedication is legendary and whose mantra is ‘every mouthful counts’,” said Artemis Media Executive Producer Celia Tait. 

The series announcement follows the launch of the highly anticipated complaints hotline for aged care food and nutrition last month to curb chronic malnutrition numbers in aged care.

Aged care workers, care consumers, advocates and representatives will be able to call to file complaints and source help from expert dietitians.

Maggie Beer’s Big Mission will air on ABC TV and ABC iview in 2024.

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