Nov 20, 2023

Man pleads guilty to break-in, attempted rape of 90-year-old aged care resident

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It took police over 24 hours to locate the accused attacker. [Source:]

A Melbourne court has heard a man who broke into an aged care facility has pleaded guilty to the attempted rape of a resident. 

According to court documents, former forklift driver Shane Huici broke into Tannoch Brae Aged Care Centre in St Albans the morning of August 15, 2021.

Police alleged during a committal hearing in January 2022 that the 25-year-old climbed through the unlocked window of the 90-year-old woman’s room and orally raped her on her bed.

The court heard the woman allegedly woke up to find the man holding her down on the bed before she struggled to set off a distress alarm nearby. He also is said to have stolen two keys that belonged to the aged care home. 

The woman was later rushed to hospital after she allegedly suffered injuries to her forearm and had multiple cuts to her lip.

At the time of the incident, Sexual Crimes Squad Detective Acting Inspector Mark Burnett said the resident was able to alert staff who came to her aid and scared off the alleged attacker.

“She is impressive; she is very cognisant of what’s occurred and is a fighter,” he said.

Mr Huici will appear in court again on April 3, 2024, for a plea hearing.

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  1. This is one of the sickest things I have ever heard. How is that not rape? Well Done to the staff who fought this predator off. I hope this doesn’t destroy any quality of life in the time this lady has left.


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