“Mental Moments Show” tackles mental health in aged care with variety, entertainment and fun

In honour of Mental Health Week, the minds over at Royal Freemasons’ Benevolent Institution (RFBI) came up with Australia’s newest variety show, Mental Moments Show. Featuring musical performances, celebrity guests and expert interviews, each episode is an hour and can be viewed here.

Aimed at opening up the conversation about the importance of mental health in aged care, the Mental Moments Show was produced in support of the essential workers who put their all into the aged care sector.

Featuring performances from the likes of iconic singer Kamahl, cooking lessons from celebrity chef Geoff Jansz, singers and dance groups from Brent St Performing Arts, live crosses to RFBI villages, and special guests ranging from the Hon. Bronwyn Bishop, former gold medal Olympian and patron and board member of Reach Out, Ian Thorpe, Mental Moments Show made sure there was something for everyone. 

While tackling some tough discussions about mental health and what we can do to help hard working aged care professionals, Mental Moments Show also offers a good serve of fun and entertainment. 

You can view all the episodes here.

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