Aug 08, 2023

National Nursing Forum offers nurses a chance to reflect and refresh

The 2022 National Nursing Forum brought a fresh wave of excitement to Darwin; this year, it’s Adelaide’s turn. [Source: Facebook]

Nurses, students, industry leaders and healthcare professionals are converging in Adelaide this Wednesday for the 2023 National Nursing Forum (NNF) and there’s still an opportunity for you to physically or virtually attend! With the theme of ‘Reflect, Replenish, Renew – a world of opportunities’, it’s set to be a highlight event of the year.

Key details

  • The National Nursing Forum is hosted by the Australian College of Nursing (ACN)
  • The 2023 NNF will be held at the Adelaide Convention Centre from August 9-11
  • With physical tickets hot property, virtual attendees can connect with fellow nurses and listen to key events from their own workplace or home office

The National Nursing Forum is ACN’s signature event, and one that has received plenty of fanfare after the COVID-19 pandemic brought a sudden halt to large, live events. Adjunct Professor Kylie Ward FACN, ACN’s passionate Chief Executive Officer (CEO) said the Forum is the perfect opportunity to highlight the nursing profession’s importance.

“I’m really excited as this to me is a festival of nurses coming together, exchanging ideas, learning, teaching, sharing and taking time out to remember or to remind themselves why our profession is as important as it is,” Ms Ward said.

“With the Australian College of Nursing, we get nurses from all areas, all disciplines and all specialties including undergraduates through to retirees and every position in between. It really does give us the opportunity to get our fingers on the pulse of what’s happening around the country.”

“One of the things I love the most is feeling the energy in the room… the ideas, the innovation.”

Among the Forum’s many focuses will be storytelling, learning and development, all of which are guided by industry experts and professionals. Keynote speakers include leading industry experts and Government representatives, such as ACN’s President, Emeritus Professor Christine Duffield, South Australia’s Minister for Health and Wellbeing, Chris Picton, and the 2022 winner of the Health Minister’s Award for Nursing Trailblazers, Claire Lane.

Ms Ward said it’s important for nurses to hear from each other, no matter the industry or role, and Forum will bring all those leaders together in one place. She also acknowledged the presence of politicians as it shows their commitment to hearing from nurses firsthand.

Professor Kylie Ward FACN, ACN CEO, is excited to hear from a diverse range of experts at the National Nursing Forum. [Source: Supplied]]

“Shelley Nowlan is going to be sharing the national rural and remote framework that the Australian College of Nursing was part of and she’s the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer of Queensland, but also the Deputy National Rural Health Commissioner. That’ll be a perfect way to showcase what’s happening in our rural areas,” explained Ms Ward. 

“Another speaker I’m looking forward to is David Stewart, he’s the Deputy Chief Nurse at the International Council of Nurses, so it’ll be good to get the global perspective [of nursing] because that’s going to impact on all of us.”

With countless keynote presentations, Q&A panels and concurrent sessions there are plenty of opportunities to get up close and personal with nurses, healthcare professionals and academics from the aged care and healthcare industries. For more information on the event and tickets, please visit the ACN website.

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