May 13, 2024

Older Australians Must Be A Priority In This Week’s Federal Budget

Older Australians must be a priority in this week’s federal Budget

Ahead of the Federal Budget, Anglicare Australia has called on the Government to deliver on promised aged care reforms.

“Everyone deserves quality care as they get older. All of us should be able to get quality care, with dignity, when we need it,” said Anglicare Australia Executive Director Kasy Chambers.

“Yet across the country, people are struggling to get the care they deserve.

“People are waiting years to get the care they need at home. Our workforce is under pressure, with some leaving the sector altogether. And in regional Australia, aged care is in serious trouble. Providers are closing their doors across regional areas, forcing older people to move away from their families and communities.

“This Budget is an opportunity for the Government to set these problems right and get their aged care reforms off to a strong start.

“We’re calling on the Government to properly fund home care. Most older people want to age at home as long as they can. They shouldn’t be forced to wait for years, or be pushed into aged care too early.

“We need to see a real investment in our aged care workers. The Fair Work Commission did its part by giving workers a badly needed pay boost. Now it’s up to the Government to make sure that pay increase is properly funded.

“And most importantly, older Australians need to know that they can count on an aged care system that’s funded to give them the care they deserve. That means the whole system needs to be sustainable and funded in a way that’s fair. It also means keeping the doors open for aged care in regional communities.

“We hope the Government takes this opportunity to deliver quality care that Australians get the care they deserve,” Ms Chambers said.

Anglicare Australia’s budget submission recommends:

  • – Developing an aged care funding system that’s sustainable and adequate
  • – Fully funding an increase to wages for aged care workers
  • – Investing in targeted support for aged care in regional Australia; and
  • – Ending delays and meeting the demand for home care.

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