Apr 28, 2020

Royal Commission Asks For Submissions Relating To Impact of COVID-19

The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety is calling for submissions from the general public and organisations relating to the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on the aged care sector.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on all aspects of Australia’s economy and society, including the delivery of aged care services. In order to understand that impact fully, the Commissioners are seeking the views of those people directly affected.

The Commissioners would like to receive submissions from recipients of aged care services, families or supporters of recipients, aged care service providers, and those who work in aged care. The Commissioners understand, however, that some of these people and organisations may not yet be in a position to make a submission, because they are dealing with the impacts of COVID-19 upon the delivery of aged care services.

In March, in response to COVID-19, the Commissioners limited public access to hearings and workshops before suspending them altogether in order to minimise the risk to members of the public and to staff of the Royal Commission. Consultations with the aged care sector were also halted to allow those working in the sector to focus their energies on managing the pandemic.

While the public-facing work has been on hold the Royal Commission has continued work on an extensive body of research that commenced in 2019. The research covers a range of topics including the funding and financing of the aged care sector; public attitudes towards the aged and aged care in Australia; public attitudes to aged care funding; and the financial viability of the sector. This research will be released to the public in the coming months.

The Royal Commission’s timeframe for the resumption of hearings, workshops and group consultations remains the subject on ongoing review by the Commissioners.  The deadline for submissions is 30 June 2020, but that deadline is also subject to ongoing review, given the effects of COVID-19.


Photo Credit – iStock – VioletaStoimenova

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