Mar 29, 2019

Stronger Aged Care Protections for Senior Australians

The Australian Government has released a new report detailing options for a Serious Incident Response Scheme for aged care, including findings that a broader range of incidents should be reported.

The Morrison Government has released a new report detailing options for a Serious Incident Response Scheme for aged care, including findings that a broader range of incidents should be reported.

The report, Strengthening protections for older Australians – Development of models and options for a Serious Incident Response Scheme for Commonwealth-funded aged care service providers is available at the Department of Health’s website. The report was prepared by KPMG.

Options canvassed of what should be considered a reportable incident include: physical, sexual or financial abuse; seriously inappropriate, improper, inhumane or cruel treatment, and neglect.

The report also found the current exemptions for reporting resident-on-resident assaults may not be effective in ensuring an abuse-free environment for aged care recipients.

The report recommends the new scheme is overseen by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.

The recommendation to develop a Serious Incident Response Scheme was in the Carnell-Paterson Review of National Aged Care Quality Regulatory Processes 2017.

The Morrison Government committed through the 2017-18 Budget to develop options for such a scheme and engaged KPMG to complete the development of models and options.

More than 130 aged care sector stakeholders, with representatives from consumer advocate groups, approved providers and the aged care workforce, participated in consultations during the development of the report.

The Morrison Government is absolutely committed to improving the care, support and services for senior Australians.

Last week I announced new laws which compel all aged care providers to sign and conform to a single Charter of Aged Care Rights.

This report is another step in building better guidelines and standards of care that will ultimately provide safer environments for senior Australians accessing Australian Government-subsidised aged care services, including those living in residential aged care.

The Government will respond to proposed options in the report shortly.

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