Mar 08, 2021

‘Too little’: Aged care workers reject report roadmap

tired nurse

Aged care workers have rejected central recommendations of the Aged Care Royal Commission, saying they do not go far enough or quickly enough to provide the care and safety older Australians need.

In a snap survey conducted by United Workers Union on Tuesday and Wednesday, 84 per cent of aged care workers said they did not think the recommendations do enough to improve the quality of care for older Australians.

And 84 per cent of aged care workers said they were not confident the Morrison Government would act to significantly improve the quality of care for older Australians.

Media release submitted by United Workers Union

The poll of more than 600 aged care workers also found:

– 86 per cent of aged care workers rejected the proposed increase of 20 minutes of care time as too low.
– 78 per cent of aged care workers do not think they will get a pay rise as a result of the Royal Commission recommendations.
– 88 per cent of aged care workers did not think the aged care sector would change in the short term to retain and attract talented aged care workers.

“These findings reflect the sad reality of a Royal Commission that did not make a bold recommendation about the care time needed to give older Australians the dignity and respect they deserve,” United Workers Union aged care director Carolyn Smith said today.

“Aged care workers know the score – a ‘gradual change’ report has been handed to a do-nothing government, and as a result their high expectations from the Royal Commission have been dashed.

“Without a clear signpost of the pay rises needed in the sector, or even a clear recommendation about how to fund quality care for older Australians, aged care workers feel let down and overlooked.”

Aged care workers made the following remarks in the survey:

“All talk. The extra funds will go straight into the providers’ pockets. Little if any gain for us.”

“I hope that they will follow through with the changes but I won’t be holding my breath.”

“It’s all been said beforehand, get real, try doing the job.”

“It sounds like the changes are broad and at this early stage unclear. As an EN who has worked in aged care for 15 years I haven’t seen any real improvements. Most training is online which is not as good as face to face.”

“I think all the extra money will go into administration and audits, nothing towards the actual care of residents or workers.”

“We didn’t need a Royal Commission to determine Aged care is underfunded. The funds need to be monitored where they will be spent.”

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  1. The federal government has failed its duty of care to provide adequate funding for the provision of safe and sustainable services for those elderly needing residential care. The recent $452million equates to $2 per day per resident… what a sad joke.
    70% of facilities are running at a loss, places are closing!!
    When the government cut funding six years ago did they know that their actions would endanger so many and cause so much grief? How could they have not!

  2. I agree I worked in dementia unit 13 residents 2 carers lots of behaviours and you have to shower them give breakfast and morning tea we sometimes finish just before 12 lunch time with no bresk in between we do have a floater but they just don’t fill that position. SAD because the carers and residents don’t get quality they together.


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