Dec 07, 2020

The top 7 questions you could be asked in an aged care job interview – and how to answer them

Job interview tips (1)

You’ve long held a dream to work in aged care. You’ve completed your training, and have been applying for jobs – for a few months now. It’s taken a little longer to find a position in the industry than you thought it would. But at last the day arrives. You receive a message to let you know your application has been successful and – finally – you have a job interview.

Now for the next hurdle: the interview.

Here are some of the most common questions that might be asked in an interview for someone looking to work in an aged care home, and we provide some brief pointers about how you could answer them.

1. Can you tell us about yourself and why have you chosen to work in aged care?

This question provides an opportunity to briefly explain what has brought you to this point in your career and why you have chosen to work in aged care. Provide a little personal background, particularly as it relates to your experience with older people. Try to demonstrate you have the personal traits that are suitable to working in aged care: for example, empathy, a caring nature, patience and flexibility.

2. What are the standard practices of infection control?

This question is likely to be at the top of many employers’ lists right now due, of course, to COVID-19. This document provides the latest information from the Department of Health about infection control in aged care.

3. What would you do if you were with a resident and they had a fall?

Falls are one of the most significant hazards for older people. Here you could say that you would call for help immediately and reassure the resident and try to keep them calm as best you can while you wait for help to arrive.

4. How would you handle a resident who had become confused or upset?

This question provides an opportunity to demonstrate your empathetic nature. Explain you would try to remain calm and focus on reassuring the person. You could also say that after an incident where a resident became distressed, you would try to learn more about the person to try to understand what might have triggered the incident, and have personal information that might be useful in trying to calm and reassure them.

5. Can you give an example of a time you have successfully worked in a team?

Teamwork is a very important aspect of working in aged care. Think of a specific example where you have been able to work collaboratively and have been able to communicate effectively with colleagues. Being able to demonstrate that you are comfortable talking to a wide range of people could also be an advantage here.

6. What is person-centred care?

Last year, the Australian aged care sector adopted a new set of quality and safety standards that were developed around the concept of ‘person-centered care’. Explain that person-centered care is respectful of and responsive to the preferences, needs and values of the person you are caring for. This document provides more information.

7. What would you do if a resident living with dementia refused to take a shower?

This question provides an opportunity to demonstrate you know how to care for those living with dementia. You could suggest providing gentle encouragement, but if the answer is still no, put off showering until the next day when you can try again. You could give them a wash, and change them into clean clothes or pyjamas, depending on what time of day it is. It’s not uncommon for those living with dementia to avoid showering.

Interviewers might also ask you about some of the regulatory aspects of aged care, such as the new Aged Care Quality Standards. Read up on the standards here on the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission’s website.

Prepare your own questions

It’s also a good idea to have a few of your own questions up your sleeve. Asking questions will show the prospective employer you have initiative, and that you’ve given considerable thought about the organisation and the role.

Some suggestions are:

  1. What ongoing training does your organisation provide?
  2. What would success in this role look like to you?
  3. How does your organisation support aged care workers, for example, do you have debriefs at the end of every shift?

Wear comfortable but smart clothing, arrive on time, be polite and look the interviewer in the eye. 

Good luck – the job’s got your name on it!

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  1. That’s was very helpful for a first timer like me in a working environment, I find it more helpful.

    Thank you.

  2. re interview of job in Care. who did you have in mind:
    carer’s position no experience or with experience how many weeks online did they have to do to be “a carer”

    enrolled nurse’s position online qualification with or without any experience drug adimistration cause etc.

    registered nurse position ? experience and year of first registration.

    Cleaner jobs training for this within aged care facility i,e roles to maintain hygiene and cleanliness e.g reponsibilites clear between carer / nurses / cleaners e.g cleaning rooms , flowers, after bed soiling and toilet bathroom use i,e afer shows or toileting etc.

    tea persons and kitchen and dining room personnel

    Basically anyone going for any position will need to know “the culture of the place i.e whether those CEO and Managers are suitable, experience caring and qualified to provide a place that is a place where everyone is cared for an cared about and that all those working in the place are working as fair competent helpful team.


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