Aug 06, 2024

Why Mandy found a place to belong working in aged care

Mandy Smith has flourished during her time in aged care with Anglicare Southern Queensland. [Supplied]

Aged Care Employee Day, celebrated on August 7 every year, is a day when the sector comes together to celebrate its heart and soul – the staff. 

After joining Anglicare Southern Queensland as an admin officer in 2012, Mandy Smith found exactly where she belonged, developing into a crucial member of their team. 

Mandy was only 24 when she joined their team over a decade ago after moving through a few different industries; steel, solar and housekeeping, to name a few. Even when she became a part of the team at Anglicare Southern Queensland it could have been a sliding doors moment. 

Would she like aged care, or not? 

Mandy loved it, sharing that she quickly discovered how much potential there was for her career

“It wasn’t too long until I figured out, I wanted to be one of Anglicare’s very first Client Liaison, so I went and got my Certificate 4 with motivation I hadn’t seen in myself before,” she explained.

“I felt like I belonged in this industry, which is funny cause I wasn’t overly close with my grandparents. Whilst I loved being a case manager, after about three years I started to get study-hungry and felt I wasn’t being utilised to my full ability in that role. 

“I wanted more responsibility and challenges so when the Service Coordinator role was made, I knew this role was meant for me the second I read the description.”

After earning an Advanced Diploma because she wanted to “knock it out of the park”, Mandy earned her stripes and is now the Service Coordinator for the Gold Coast region, managing the lifestyle, wellbeing, team leaders and client liaison officers. 

But there were nerves along the way. She knew she lacked the relevant role experience when applying for the Service Coordinator position. Thankfully Service Manager Nigel Aberdour saw through the nerves and a slightly “atrocious” interview (Mandy’s words – we all know we’re our harshest critic during an interview) to take her on.

Mandy has flourished, building on her career experiences to become a much-loved manager.

“I knew the Leadership style I didn’t want to be due to experiences with previous Managers in other companies, so I feel like that shaped me into who I am today,” she said. 

“I am now asked to step into higher duties now and then to cover the Service Manager role which is such an honour to know they trust me with the branch, and I wear that title with pride.”

Active listening has been an empowering quality throughout Mandy’s time in leadership. She believes this is a great way to get the best out of people as they know a leader is approachable and willing to listen. Staff who see a leader that’s open to communication and listening will bring great ideas because there’s a safe space, she added.

Mandy’s colleagues are unashamedly her favourite part of the job, sharing that they’re the highlight of her day. 

So too is the fact that Anglicare’s values of compassion, integrity, dignity and inclusiveness align so closely with her own personal values. She said that love is the most important value to her, influenced by the meaning of her own name: Mandy is of Latin origin, meaning ‘worthy of love’. 

As we celebrate aged care employees in all roles, Mandy is a shining example of how passion and drive can deliver a positive impact. And there’s passion when she gets to cover the Service Manager Role. 

The Service Manager role is nothing like the Service Coordinator role and that’s why I enjoy jumping in now and then,” she said.

“What I find challenging for my personality type is overseeing so much and not really owning one certain area of the business, so you really are a jack of all trades! I like variety but I also enjoy making a project mine including all the nitty gritty details and it’s challenging not having time for that, you need to rely on others.”

And for those who might be at a point in their career where they’re questioning whether they’re on the right track, or not, Mandy said to never give up. 

“You may not have finished high school, you may not think you are the sharpest tool in the shed, but you can do it, you really can if you put your mind to it.”

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