Workforce representatives ‘left out’ of aged care advisory council

Workforce Representatives ‘Left Out’ of Aged Care Advisory Council

The country’s largest union, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF), has expressed its extreme disappointment that nursing and aged care workforce representatives have been left out of the Morrison Government’s new National Aged Care Advisory Council (Council). 

The ANMF and its members are now deeply concerned that workers will have no say in the advice the Council provides, which could not only further delay the delivery of some of the Aged Care Royal Commission’s key recommendations but also, once again, see those reforms fall short of what’s actually required. 

“The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety’s Final Report explicitly recognised the workforce as the most critical component of the aged care sector in ensuring quality and safety, and recommended that until the sector has a workforce with sufficient skills and time to care, aged care reform would not be achieved,” ANMF Federal Secretary, Annie Butler, said today. “

“While we welcome the appointment of the new Council’s members, who will have important contributions in guiding aged care reform, especially the geriatric medicine and allied health representatives, we are simply astonished that yet again, the Morrison Government has shunned frontline aged nurses and carers, and that nursing expertise has been excluded.

This is particularly concerning when we know how desperately specialist nursing skills are needed in the sector.

“The Minister needs to reconsider this decision and allow for the expertise and knowledge that aged care nurses and workers can provide if the Government is serious about improving the quality and safety of the sector.”

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  1. Libby Lyons is in the group. She’s the chair of ACWIC which is comprised of all sides of the equation. A more balanced approach than an us vs them one. This is also not a vehicle to push for ratios.

    1. Emma, this is not about us vs them. It’s about providing the most appropriate care for each individual first and not about ‘how much will this cost’ or ‘what’s the most amount of funding we can get from the government and we’ll take these people’. Don’t tell me that this doesn’t happen. It does. Why not have front line medical staff involved?

    2. Where does this article discuss ratios?

      Libby Lyons, this month, ruled herself out of preselection as a Liberal Party candidate for Christian Porter’s seat of Pearce.

      ACWIC is an industry group.

      Two reasons why there is great capacity for Lyons to hold bias.

      ACWIC isn’t advising the council, but by proxy might be and just because Lyons chairs that board, it doesn’t follow that she has the necessary depth of understanding to be able to speak for other fields of expertise.

      Even though the article doesn’t mention nor discuss ratios, the RC found that it was essential to have that input and for good reason, since nurses and aged care workers have the most therapeutic contact with consumers.

      In any event, what problem do you foresee, in advocating for ratios in aged care via this council?

      The evidence base which underpins ratios ensures optimal care and outcomes for the consumers.

  2. This is incredible that the largest section of aged care workers are not included . I would ask does any government fully understand the working at the “coalface” of aged care entails. I am a retired Registered Nurse who has worked in aged care.

  3. This is ridiculous. Part Two of the Royal Commissions provides a clear action plan. It is beyond common sense that after 27 reports since 2000 that the Government refuses to address the issues and ignore input from the frontline staff.

  4. The Aged Care Advisory Council has no credibility without representation from the Aged Care Workforce. This is either an incompetent oversight or a deliberate attempt to “stack the jury”

  5. Another concern is the inclusion of an ex-CEO of a residential care facility who fled when the complaints started rolling in, and other CEOs who are merely mouthpieces for their organisations.

  6. Another concern is the inclusion of an ex-CEO of a residential care facility who fled when the complaints started rolling in, and other CEOs who are merely mouthpieces for their organisations.

  7. It’s obvious that nobody but nurses worry about the future of the elderly and all our futures. As soon as you retire you are worth nothing!

  8. The Morrison government isn’t serious about implementing the RC’s recommendations and reforms. They’ve done just enough to placate the public who won’t closely follow the members who constitute the Council.

  9. Very sad but not surprising at all. No one wants to consult with the real experts because goodness gracious they may say things that are not appropriate like better wages and ratios!!

    It’s not rocket science folks, there will never be any kind of real reform if these simple issues are not addressed.
    1. Transparency of where the Gov funding and profits go?
    2. Ridiculous and excessive workloads resulting from the lack of mandated minimum staffing and skills mix. No reform without this will work, ask the real experts at the coalface.
    3. Pay that reflects and values the kind of specialised workers doing this job. How does this sector assume to retain highly skilled workers when there are no fulltime places, other non care jobs earn more per hour than care workers and workers have to work 2-3 jobs to make ends meet?

    Stop ignoring the real experts and invite them to the committee. How many more Royal Commissions and Enquiries need to happen before the real experts are consulted?!


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