Sep 25, 2020

The over 75s rocking out to the Stones

Meet the Young @ Heart Chorus, the singing group that has collaborated with the likes of David Byrne from Talking Heads. The thing that’s especially cool about them? They are all over the age of 75. 

Founded nearly 40 years ago in Massachusetts, the group has been the subject of an award winning documentary and has travelled the world performing from New Zealand to New England to Europe.

And now, with touring off the agenda, in the first week of October, Young @ Heart will release it’s 4th full-length album titled “Miss You”, a collection of songs recorded over Zoom.

Covering classic songs such as Sam Cook’s “A Change is Going to Come”, “A Little Help From My Friends” (The Beatles) and as featured in the video below, a very impressive cover of The Rolling Stones “Miss You”.

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