Apr 16, 2020

Elderly Couple Highly Distressed After Being Deliberately ‘Coughed-On’ By Youths

An elderly couple from the Hunter Region of NSW has been left “highly distressed” after they were deliberately coughed-on by a young man who was in a car full of friends.

Police were told that a white Nissan Navara that was driving along Victoria Parade, Nelson Bay, slowed down before pulling up alongside the elderly couple as they approached a pedestrian crossing during their walk.

At this point, a young man then leaned the top half of his body out of the passenger side window of the vehicle and began loudly coughing and making retching noises directly over the top of the 73-year-old man and 68-year-old woman.

The youths then drove away laughing.

Police are appealing for information from the local community in the hopes of locating the vehicle and its occupants, asking anyone who may have been present or have relevant dashcam footage to contact the police.

Unfortunately, this incident is yet another example of bizarre behavior from members of the NSW public due to the COVID-19 crisis.

Just last week, healthcare workers across the state of NSW were advised to not wear their scrubs in public after several disturbing reports of staff being assaulted and abused in public.

Incidents of healthcare professionals being victimised in public have actually resulted in the NSW government introducing a $5000 on-the-spot fine for anyone caught spitting or coughing on healthcare workers or police.

While most of the public backlash against healthcare workers is driven by the fear and confusion surrounding COVID-19, coughing incidents against the elderly are driven by a selfish and cruel sense of humour.

Given the heightened level of risk for older people, anyone found guilty of deliberately spitting or coughing on older people should also face some very harsh consequences.

Photo Credit – iStock – kevdiaphoto – photo does not depict persons/places from within the body of text.

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