Aug 26, 2020

Can you help? Government offering aged care staff $5000 bonuses to assist COVID impacted facilities

The Commonwealth Department of Health has partnered with the aged care industry to develop the National Aged Care Emergency Response (NACER) Program.

The initiative mobilises aged care staff from areas across Australia not experiencing community transmission, to assist in caring for people in aged care facilities impacted by COVID-19. While the initial focus is on supporting Victoria, it is a national program that can be expanded where and when it is needed.

NACER is seeking experienced Registered Nurses, Enrolled Nurses, Personal Care Workers and Cleaners who are currently working in aged care to provide surge workforce support. An attractive remuneration and support package is on offer including a $5,000 bonus for successful completion of a rotation.

Ideally teams of six will be coordinated by the aged care provider and sent on placement for four weeks, followed by two weeks of quarantine. Providers will need to endorse staff as having the right character, skills and experience, and the ability to work under pressure and in confronting environments. Providers should carefully consider their own operational needs before agreeing to release staff – they will still be required to provide adequate staffing levels across all their sites to meet residents’ needs.

Further information on the NACER Program is available on the department’s website.

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