About Us

Our story

HelloCare grew from a clear need for quality content in the health and ageing sector that primarily put the consumer and aged care worker first.

It found a tone that could speak to the people, speak to those struggling through everyday challenges from ageing, moving into aged care or the isolating effects of dedicating their life to care for a loved one.

HelloCare’s content over the last two years has grown organically by listening to what the public wants.

All are important to bring about change, create transparency and bring topics to life that others in the sector may be afraid to discuss.


Access to GPs isn’t an issue, says Department of Health head

  A senior official from the Department of Health has disagreed with the royal commission’s assessment that GP services in aged care are at times not meeting the demands of residents. Counsel assisting the royal commission, Peter Gray QC, told federal secretary of the Department of Health, Glenys Beauchamp, about a survey of aged care... Read More

Residents lose ‘forever home’ as facility unexpectedly closes

An aged care facility in rural Queensland has announced its imminent closure, devastating residents and their families. The Inglewood Aged Care Service will close by the end of the month, giving residents only three weeks to move out. Read More

“Anything is possible”: 81-year-old living with dementia performs with the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra

Paul Harvey, the music teacher whose composition from four notes went viral and raised more than one million pounds for charity, has now performed his piece with the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra. Read More
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