About Us

Our story

HelloCare grew from a clear need for quality content in the health and ageing sector that primarily put the consumer and aged care worker first.

It found a tone that could speak to the people, speak to those struggling through everyday challenges from ageing, moving into aged care or the isolating effects of dedicating their life to care for a loved one.

HelloCare’s content over the last two years has grown organically by listening to what the public wants.

All are important to bring about change, create transparency and bring topics to life that others in the sector may be afraid to discuss.

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Construction of Aged-Care Facilities Can only Be a Stop-Gap in Dementia Fight

It is no secret that Australia has a rapidly ageing population, with those aged above 65 set to make up over 20 per cent of the population within 10 years’ time. While this is good news for the property industry as development in the aged care and retirement living space is critical, a crucial factor that... Read More

Costs rising more quickly than revenue for listed aged care providers

Expenses grew more quickly than revenue last financial year at Australia’s three publicly listed aged care providers, meaning profitability was lower.  Revenue was boosted by a one-off government subsidy, which won’t be available next year, and the costs of direct care, compliance, and the royal commission added to expenses. Revenues at Regis, Japara and Estia,... Read More

Young and old together at Bundoora

  Intergenerational programs, such as ABC’s Old People’s Home For 4-Year-Olds, aren’t only for the youngest members of the community. Secondary School students from Parade College, Bundoora regularly visit their next-door neighbours at VMCH Bundoora Aged Care Residence. The students volunteer their time assisting with and participating in the activities each week. The most popular... Read More