Sandra Eales

Sandra has a wealth of experience to draw on in her role as QNMU Assistant Secretary, which she has occupied since 2015.

Much of her life has been spent in rural and remote communities with 35 years’ prior experience working as a nurse and 29 as a midwife.

Through the QNMU, Sandra developed as a workplace activist and made significant changes at the local level, including campaigning to reopen the Mareeba maternity unit as a rural stand-alone midwifery service – the first in Queensland, which Sandra helped pilot in 2005. That service remains highly valued by the community, providing access to quality maternity services to a vulnerable population. The midwifery group practice remains the strong foundation upon which expanded medical procedural services were many years later able to re-establish.

A big part of Sandra’s QNMU involvement has focused on advocating for equity in access and safety and a positive practice environment for all nurses and midwives. She was appointed by Minister Grace to the Work Health and Safety Board representing workers as the Queensland Council of Unions nominee in 2017.

Sandra’s focus in her current role is on member engagement and branch development, creating healthy workplace cultures, and nurse and midwife wellness.
