Dec 21, 2019

Best of 2019: 24 Hour Nurse, A Mother’s Day Story

This year, International Nurses Day coincided with Mother’s Day. Nicky Hondros, a palliative care nurse shared her and her mum’s heartfelt story and provided a little glimpse into what it’s like caring for someone living with dementia.

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Where are the government’s changes to the regulation of physical and chemical restraints?

  Back in January, the aged care minister said changes to the regulation of chemical and physical restraints in aged care were only weeks away. That was nearly two months ago. “Incidents of over use of physical and chemical restraint will not be tolerated and draft changes to regulations are expected to be released within... Read More

Why a Drug Treatment for Dementia has Eluded us

Finding a cure for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s is challenging. They’re difficult to diagnose, and drugs struggle to get into the brain as the brain’s blood supply is largely separate to the rest of the body. Not surprisingly, several companies have left this territory in recent years. Last week, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer announced it will stop... Read More

Love on the Mind: Marriage Reduces the Risk of Dementia

In 2016, there were 118,401 new marriages registered in Australia. And these people may be at a lower risk of developing dementia than unmarried people. Marriage – it may drive you crazy, but it could actually be good for your brain health. A new study, published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry has... Read More