Oct 06, 2022

Betty’s birthday was the ‘spot’ to be

6_10_2022 Betty Crago

Betty Crago, 101-year-old Myrtle Bank centenarian, celebrated her birthday in style late September by holding a themed party based on Disney’s feature film, One Hundred and One Dalmations.

She appeared at her birthday party as the titular protagonist and well-known villain, Cruella deVille.

Ms Crago’s aged care facility, Allity Carinya in Myrtle Bank, South Australia, was happy to host the black and white themed celebration and provided her favourite strawberry and cream sponge cake iced with sugar.

Additionally, there were black and white cupcakes available for attendees that were enjoyed while listening to a harpist perform.

Ms Crago, and her guests, also got a special visit from a pack of dalmations!

When providing her advice and words of wisdom on what it is to live a good life, Ms Crago said it is important to “never give up”.

Ms Crago has quite the sweet tooth and enjoyed a recent excursion with her aged care facility to a famous chocolate factory.

In her career days she was a pharmacy assistant of 40 years, and now has a great love for knitting, gardening and cooking. She has also led a well-travelled life – including visiting Fiji, Hong Kong and the Philippines.

Ms Crago is very family-orientated, a mother of one and grandmother to five, and loves her aged care family.

“I came from a lovely family. I also love my new family here. Everybody is friendly,” she said.

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