Jun 28, 2019

Bupa Eden has accreditation revoked but will “continue to care for residents”

Troubled aged care operator, Bupa, has had the accreditation of its Eden home revoked, after the quality watchdog identified failings at the home that put residents at “serious risk”.

Bupa Eden’s accreditation will expire on 16 August 2019, but a Bupa spokesperson has told HelloCare the operator plans to continue caring for residents and is taking steps to return the facility to full compliance.

The penalties come after Bupa Eden was audited on 13-14 March 2019. 

At that time, it failed to meet 30 of the 44 expected outcomes under the Accreditation Standards, a spokesperson from the Australian Aged Care and Quality Commission told HelloCare.

According to the My Aged Care website, quality assessors identified “serious concerns” at Bupa Eden about staffing, clinical care, pain management and skin care, among other things.

“The department is concerned about the extremely high level of non-compliance across all standards identified by the Quality Agency at previous visits to the services,” the My Aged Care website states.

Accreditation will be revoked on 16 August

On 16 April 2019, the Quality Commission decided to revoke Bupa Eden’s accreditation.

“That accreditation is now due to expire on 16 August 2019,” the Quality Commission’s spokesperson told HelloCare.

Bupa hopes to return Eden facility to “full compliance”

A Bupa spokesperson told HelloCare the company is committed to turning the Eden operations around.

“Bupa sincerely apologises to our Eden residents and their families,” Bupa’s statement said.

“We have undertaken a thorough review of our Eden home and it has become clear that we need to make a number of changes to how the home is run. 

“This is not a quick fix and we are committed to implementing long-lasting and effective changes,” the statement said.

“We have done a lot already, but we know that more needs to be done.” 

Bupa said it won’t accept new residents at Eden and hopes to return the Eden facility to “full compliance”.

“We won’t be accepting any new residents at Eden as we focus on addressing the Department of Health’s concerns and returning the home to full compliance.”

“We will continue to care for residents”

If Bupa Eden’s accreditation is revoked, the facility will no longer be accredited, meaning it is ineligible to receive Commonwealth funding for the care of residents.

Despite Commonwealth funding ceasing if accreditation is revoked, Bupa told HelloCare it will continue to care for residents.

Bupa’s statement said, “If accreditation is revoked at this care home, Bupa Eden will not receive funding from the Commonwealth Government from the expiry date. 

“We will continue to care for residents and are committed to implementing the necessary changes.”

“Decisions about the future of this service are a matter for Bupa,” the spokesperson from the Quality Commission told HelloCare.  

“The Department and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission are continuing to monitor the service.”

If you are concerned about an aged care service, or if you wish to make a complaint, you should contact the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission on 1800 951 822. 

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