Health & Care
HelloCare is passionate about providing quality content and education pieces on topics impacting older adults health and topics relating to care.

Are you considering the resident’s choices when caring?

The peak body for older Australians believes many aged care residents are not getting the chance to make everyday choices and that supported decision making needs to be introduced nationwide. Read More

Carers can be avoidant of vital end of life conversations

Aged care workers may be more reluctant to start end of life conversations with residents and their families because they lack the training and prognosis tools to identify residents close to dying, said ageing experts. Read More

New aged care funding and care minutes model neglects allied health professions

Advocates are calling for "social and emotional" services to be covered under the future care minutes model and new funding model, as, currently, these new aged care reform changes do "not count" allied health services part of this new system. Read More
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