Aug 24, 2021

Elderly, widowed war veteran denied entry to Victoria to be with family after surgery

Elderly, widowed war veteran denied entry to Victoria to be with family after surgery

Robert Wood currently lives by himself in the NSW coastal town of Merimbula after the recent passing of his wife. The pair had been together for 50 years.

Mr Wood is battling a number of health issues that have required major surgery, including having both his prostate and bladder removed within the last three weeks.

The loss of his wife, coupled with his own health complications, have taken a considerable toll on Mr Wood’s mental wellbeing. These circumstances prompted family members to apply for a medical exemption that would allow the veteran to come to Victoria where they could care for him.

Appearing on 3AW yesterday, Mr Wood’s daughter, Nikki, made an impassioned plea to Victorian authorities to allow her father into Victoria on medical and compassionate grounds. 

“He’s not coping at all. He’s depressed, he’s got the doctor going out to see him every couple of days to give him strong medication, he’s just drowsy and can’t get out of bed, really. He’s not showering,” shared Nikki.

“People are dropping food off [at] the front door.”

Mr Wood has two daughters living in the Victorian seaside town of Rye. 

One of his daughters has a home with separate living quarters, which has been set up to accommodate the mandatory 14-day quarantine period, in the event that their father is granted entry to the state. 

In addition to recovering from his two surgeries, Mr Wood will also require further surgery on his plastic hip – a result of injuries sustained in combat while serving his country.

Neil Mitchell has vowed to ‘take up’ Mr Wood’s case with Victorian health authorities, describing the veteran’s current ban as a “ bureaucratic wall.”

Do you agree it’s for Mr Wood’s own safety? Or have the bureaucratic powers made the wrong decision? Share your thoughts below.

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  1. As a Vietnam Veteran, I am appalled that this bureaucratic nonsense is happening in this day and age. These so called grossly overpaid politicians who sit in their ivory towers and make these utterly ridiculous decisions for 1 single person who is seriously ill and simply wants to go to the only people who are ready, willing and able to look after his remaining health. His family have set up and will obey all requirements to get this veteran home and still they claim that his case still has to be considered.
    We all know what would happen if this veteran was a politician’s father, don’t we.

  2. Such a disgraceful way to treat this man. His daughters want to care for him. That is what this Vietnam Vet. needs, care. Who made this disgusting decision to disallow this man in Merimbula without care. He obviously needs help and politicians decide to not let him come to his daughters. It sucks.

  3. So sad that we are not looking at cases like this with compassion and common sense. For Gods sake let this poor man who has served his country be with people who can care for him at this difficult time. I work with veterans and unfortunately see too many take their lives, can our politicians live with these type of consequences? They are willing to follow every possible step to ensure Covid protocols are followed, no sense in this decision at all.

  4. Absolutely disgusting. We let wanker celebs in but a lovely old man who needs his family is denied
    Australia is becoming a horrible country
    Run by dickheads

  5. This is as heartbreaking as it is inhumane.
    Mr Woods family need him in Victoria, as much as he needs to be with them.

    Surely an exemption should be granted for Mr Woods to come to Vic.

    This is bureaucracy gone crazy.

  6. Sorry Mr Wood your hard work as a tax payer wasn’t good enough. Your service to our country wasn’t good enough, Oh and did they mention you don’t have enough money to grease the hands of the bureaucratic Nazis who have let the power go to their heads. What shame we have to suffer because the elite are so out of touch.
    Next time we should all vote for an independent (both State and Federal) in your area and show these poor excuse for servants of the people, that the people will not accept your poor excuses and poor management.


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