Jul 25, 2020

Food Familiarity and Nostalgia For Older People

Familiarity is an emotion that can mean a lot to an elderly person, and Clinical Services Manager, Leigh McLean shares her thoughts on why good food has the ability to spark memories and enhance the experience of sitting down to eat at meal time.

SPC is one of Australia’s most iconic and trusted brands, and SPC ProVital range ensures that those who grew up eating SPC can continue to do so regardless of their age or eating requirements.

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Chaos as Earle Haven evacuated, royal commission hears

Frail and vulnerable residents became distressed and frightened as they were evacuated from Earle Haven aged care facility, the royal commission has heard. When the paramedic, Cary Strong, arrived on the scene at 2.13pm on 11 July, he found a scene of chaos. Mr Strong quickly assessed there were not enough staff present to care... Read More

How are we going to solve the problems plaguing aged care? “We’re going to do everything we can to fix this”

“I see first-hand the struggles aged care workers face. I want workers to know that I know. I know they’re angry and I know they hurt.” Louise O’Neill began her working life as a nurse, often working in aged care homes. Now, as CEO of the Aged Care Workforce Industry Council, she is doing all she can to improve conditions for those doing the important work of caring for older Australians. Read More

Can Living Alone Put You At Higher Risk of a Poor Diet?

Living alone, the freedom and ability to go to bed when you like, choose what you watch on television and last but not least eat whatever you like. Ah bliss! These things can surely only be good for you? Right? Well, not completely. A recent literature review undertaken by Queensland University of Technology (QUT), published... Read More