Jul 25, 2020

Food Familiarity and Nostalgia For Older People

Familiarity is an emotion that can mean a lot to an elderly person, and Clinical Services Manager, Leigh McLean shares her thoughts on why good food has the ability to spark memories and enhance the experience of sitting down to eat at meal time.

SPC is one of Australia’s most iconic and trusted brands, and SPC ProVital range ensures that those who grew up eating SPC can continue to do so regardless of their age or eating requirements.

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Getting urgent medicines in floods a life or death challenge

I’m writing this from the flooded far north coast of New South Wales, where all around me people are contending with the awful and unexpected consequences of a catastrophic flood. Read More

Improving deep sleep may prevent dementia

As little as a 1% reduction in deep sleep per year for people over 60 years of age translates into a 27% increased risk of dementia, according to a Monash study which suggests that enhancing or maintaining deep sleep, also known as slow wave sleep, in older years could stave off dementia. Read More

Physical restraint doesn’t protect patients – there are better alternatives

It’s an uncomfortable image to consider: an elderly person – perhaps somebody you know – physically restrained. Maybe an aged care resident deemed likely to fall has been bound to his chair using wrist restraints; or someone with dementia acting aggressively has been confined to her bed by straps and rails. These scenarios remain a... Read More