Feb 05, 2020

Former Aged Care Nurse Charged With Assaulting Eight Residents

A former aged care nurse has been charged over an alleged string of assaults that are believed to have occurred at an aged care facility in the suburb of Ashfield in Sydney’s inner west.

The accused who has not yet been named is a 56-year-old woman who had worked for 10 years as a nurse at the facility where the assaults are alleged to have taken place.

Police allege that the woman eight residents including six men with ages ranging from 79 to 95-years-old, and two women aged 53 and 86.

It is believed that all of these assaults occurred between the months of February and October last year and the aged care facility has since terminated the woman’s employment.

The accused woman was arrested yesterday morning at a home in the NSW suburb of Yagoona before being taken to Bankstown Police Station where she was charged with eight counts of common assault.

The woman was formally granted conditional bail and will appear before Burwood Local Court on Wednesday 18 March 2020.

Photo courtesy of iStock – Credit Milan Markovic

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  1. Was this person a licensed nurse?? If not she is not entitled to use he name Nurse. She is a personal carer only I also take offence at the name assistant in nursing because they are not assistants. Nurses earn their title through three years hard slog at University and then education is life long.

    1. This lady should be jailed and put on a register never to be working with vulnerable people ever again, no matter what her job classification is !!

      And please … Personal carers are ultimately Assistants in nursing. Don’t try and diminish their role. AINs / PCW’s are the eyes and ears of the organisation, you are lucky to be working beside people who do a lot of hard work, for small reward … fair enough you have done the University degree, but never forget where you came from, everybody had to start somewhere, it’s people like you who Should never be in management roles. You as a nurse, are meant to be professional and a role model, making people feel appreciated for what they do.

    2. You sound like the sort of RN who no one likes working with because you diminish the hard work put in by Assistant NURSES simply because you spent three years at university. Pull your head in.

  2. I agree Michele. It doesn’t matter if you are an AIN or a Nurse. It does come across as a put down for like you said “hard working AINs.” My sentiments exactly Michele. If there weren’t AINs, RNs would be doing all the running around and getting home to their families totally exhausted. It is a thankless job as it is let’s not go down the track of suggesting only AINs could be the only abusers of residents in Aged Care as it is a no brainer. There are plenty of world wide examples of abuse by both!!

  3. Regardless of AN or RN, I think public floggings should be brought back for people (not even people but sub-human species) such as this…….. So disgusting and what were the other staff members doing while this was going on…???
    I have noticed on webites for various aged care facilities more recently that comments cannot be made vis a vis facility ratings etc without logging in……. The industry guarding itself against potential criticism etc…


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