Sep 20, 2023

Going above and beyond: Brisbane aged care staff make couple’s dream come true

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Aged care residents Bob and Gloria thought they’d miss out on their grandson’s wedding, but care staff ensured they could witness the happy occasion. [Source: Supplied]

Brisbane grandparents Bob and Gloria Coit were unable to physically attend their grandson’s wedding last weekend but that didn’t stop them from missing out on the action.  

Staff at the Anglicare EM Tooth Residential Aged Care home went above and beyond to make sure the Coits felt a part of the celebrations, even though they couldn’t attend in person. 

The team organised a cinema-size live stream of the wedding and provided hair and make-up as well as a corsage and boutonniere to make sure Bob and Gloria could have the best experience and feel part of the occasion.  

Daughter Rosemary Allie said it was an “absolutely wonderful” event and was thrilled that her parents were able to be part of it virtually and thanked staff for allowing her family to “see a smile on mum’s face.”

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Bob and Gloria watching their grandson’s special day. [Source: Supplied]

“I just thought that the staff would provide my parents with an iPad to watch the wedding from their room, but they went above and beyond to ensure they felt special […] Mum cried a few times, I saw there were a few tears in the photos that the staff provided to us after the event.”

Anglicare Southern Queensland’s Chief Operating Officer for Aged & Community Services Nick Hansen said it was lovely that Bob and Gloria were able to be part of the action. 

“Weddings are very important events, and we didn’t want Bob and Gloria to miss out on the action, so we brought their grandson’s wedding to the home,” he said.

How have you gone above and beyond for your residents? Let us know in the comments!

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  1. Our Grandson is being married in March. The unit where my Husband is are hoping we can live stream the wedding, I will be attending unfortunately Bob cannot.
    We also watched his Cousins funeral on a large screen.
    This is country Victoria.
    Maffra McDonald wing staff go above and beyound.


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