Mar 09, 2018

“Be Heard”: Make Your Future Health Care Preferences Known

If you were unwell and unable to make your health care preferences known, who would you want to speak for you? What would you want them to say?

It can be hard to think about a situation where you may not be able to voice your own health care choices. However, sudden and unexpected events can happen to anyone. How can Australians be empowered to understand that they have a choice in their healthcare – whether it is during temporary or permanent injury or illness or towards end of life? How can they ensure their preferences are known and respected?

Research shows that being prepared and having an advance care directive, results in families experiencing less anxiety, depression, stress and being more satisfied with their loved one’s care.

What is advance care planning?

Essentially, advance care planning is about making sure the people around you – family, friends and health practitioners – know what your future health care preferences are and what living well means to you.

Advance care planning aligns with your values, beliefs and preferences. These preferences can be formally documented in an Advance Care Directive, which is the best way to ensure you receive the care you would like.

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National Advance Care Planning Week is coming

National Advance Care Planning Week runs from 16 – 22 April, raising awareness of advance care planning and its benefits.

The week will encourage all Australians to start conversations with loved ones about what quality of life looks like to them and what they value most.

National Advance Care Planning Week is part of an international public awareness effort. Launching for the first time in Australia, the week will coincide with significant advance care planning events being held in the USA, Canada and New Zealand.

Get involved!

Please join us in National Advanced Care Planning Week. Get involved by attending an event near you, hosting an event or by simply starting the conversation with loved ones.

What do you have to say? Comment, share and like below.

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