May 22, 2019

I would be “honoured” to continue in role of Minister for Aged Care, says Ken Wyatt

I am delighted with the election result, both nationally and in my own electorate where I received a considerable increase in local support.

I would be honoured to continue in my role as Minister for Senior Australians and Aged Care but that is entirely in the hands of the Prime Minister as he works to ensure the best skills mix and capacity for his Ministerial team that will provide strong leadership for our nation and all Australians.

Providing aged care and ageing choices to senior Australians will continue to be a top Morrison Government priority.

Election commitments, including development of a $34 million Aged Care Workforce Research Centre, a new $10 million multicultural aged care Navigators program and an extra $10 million to combat loneliness through a new Seniors Connect program, will be prioritised.

These innovations build on record commitments announced in the Budget, with a $7 billion aged care funding increase over the next five years.

This will support the new Aged Care Quality Safety Commission as it implements the new Aged Care Standards from 1 July 2019, the rollout of the biggest residential care expansion in Australia’s history and a major rise in home care packages, from approximately 124,000 in 2018-19 to more than 157,000 in 2022-23. The Commonwealth Home Support Program will also be bolstered with a further $5.9 billion to continue its vital services.

Aged care funding reform will continue and the Government looks forward to receiving the report of the Aged Care Royal Commission.

Aged care investment and reform will continue to be hallmarks of the Morrison Government, focussed on better quality of care, better access to care and better ageing.

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