Mar 11, 2020

Kindness Can Protect Seniors From Greedy Shoppers

As panic regarding the Coronavirus sets in across the globe, the hordes of people who have raided the shelves to stockpile toiletries have left the rest of us struggling to find the bare essentials.

If the sight of empty supermarket shelves wasn’t embarrassing enough, footage of altercations between greedy shoppers and those in need highlights the selfishness of some people in a time where we should all be looking out for each other.

Amongst all the fighting and foolishness, thousands of Australian seniors who struggle to even get to the supermarket are now being forced to go home empty-handed.

Being physically active can be extremely challenging for an elderly person, and in some cases, they may be moving independently out of necessity rather than by choice.

Although many elderly Australians have family and friends who are able to provide assistance in times of need, there is still a large portion of older people who are being left to fend for themselves.

Ensuring their safety will require people to take the focus off themselves and embracing the concept of community by being mindful of those around them.

Love Thy Neighbour

While the internet has increased connectivity amongst people from an online point of view, remaining connected online has actually isolated people from each other in real life.

In a society as well equipped and automated as we currently are, we are far less reliant and engaged with those around us in-person, which has taken away from our sense of community and removed support networks from those who are isolated and in need.

These days, the idea of checking-in on someone in your local community may not be the most common thing to do, but it can be extremely beneficial for the welfare of the elderly and those who are vulnerable.

If you are aware of an older person in your street or suburb who lives alone, take the opportunity to reach out and start a conversation to let them know that you care.

Random acts of kindness like this can provide nourishment to the soul of the visitor and some much-needed peace of mind to an older person who may be in need and thankful for your consideration.

Turning up on a stranger’s door bearing toilet paper may initially feel a little bit embarrassing, but that does not compare to the embarrassment that they would feel having to knock on your door to ask for toilet paper, or simply go without.

Although there appears to be a lot of hysteria regarding the coronavirus, it’s important to remember that older people – especially those with preexisting health conditions – are at more at risk of dying than any other age group. 

Remaining at home and distanced from large social gatherings actually lowers the risk of infection, but being completely isolated can have a negative effect on an older person’s mental health and increase the likelihood of going without food and other essential items.

Many of the elderly people that walk among us have faced incredible hardship, and the attitude required to persevere through tough times can make it difficult for them to willingly ask for help.

Don’t be afraid to make the first move.


Photo Courtesy of @jamiezhu Social Media


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  1. Jakob, what would be good is if this article also included the people that have a disability or multiple disabilities, this can also be an elderly person with a disability.

    Also, it would be great if people that have a higher income could ‘adopt’ a pensioner by helping them buy groceries and doing a few things for them that the receiver is unable to do. This might be: mowing, trimming a plant that’s too high, maybe help with cleaning the air vent. There are a lot of things that people take for granted that they can do for themselves now, that later in life you struggle to do for yourself, or when you have not always and in some cases never been able to do. There are things like being a younger person and not having the balance to climb a ladder and change a light bulb or take down to wash and then put back up curtains. Even bending down when your backs been fractured/broken to do things or move things.

    Remember that there are people out there through no fault of their own, cannot drive and have never been able to do so. Yes having a driver’s license is a privilege and NOT a right.

    So you see, it’s not just the elderly that need help with shopping and things but younger and disabled people. Something the younger disabled people are also helping look after elderly parents and it can be hard.

    I know this because I have lived on a disability support pension for 30+ years and it’s hard.

    People please think before you take take take.

    1. My comment above was posted 9 minutes ago at 1.30pm Australian ESDT Tuesday 17th March 2020. It’s now 1:37pm.

  2. Over exposure to the virus due to greedy shoppers. I used to go to the store for food once a week. Now I have to go every day to find something, anything to eat. It appears that these greedy shoppers are sitting home between grocers’ visits eating all day out of boredom. Have some consideration for the people that can’t get basic food items. I see nothing but greedy fat people stocking up on things they don’t need.


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