Jul 23, 2019

So much to be proud of about working in aged care – calling all young leaders

When I realised my passion for aged care, I felt ashamed. Six years ago, I didn’t know anyone who aspired to work in age services. No one talked about it as a career. But I loved talking and learning from older Australians. As I graduated and became an occupational therapist, I decided that things needed to change. Being ashamed could no longer be an option so I started writing, blogging, tweeting, and sharing the challenges I faced. I even created my own business to help connect and support my peers.

I have always been passionate about helping age services see the young leaders that surround us. We want to be involved in our sector, we have the knowledge to shape the future, and there are common barriers that affect us from doing this.

We know that when our workers, employees, and leaders are asked for advice the room is filled with people over 45. With an older and ageing workforce, we have built great workplaces for our mature workers. The voices, opinions, and challenges of our young workers haven’t been heard. This unintentional exclusion must end if we are to attract and retain the carers, leaders, and innovators we need as our sector evolves. Young people must be actively included in the discussions about the future we all want to grow old in.

I’ve been leading and innovating in aged care for 5+ years, and I’m now working in a leading age services organisation. I’m so happy to be part of a team that is not only open to supporting young leaders, but actively creating opportunities for us to share our opinions, our challenges and our ideas.

I’m proud to be leading Next Gen and have the support of LASA to build this for the entire age services sector. In such a short space of time we’ve garnered strong support from your young professionals and leading organisations are joining us to show they support our future decision makers.

Now is the time to ensure we are all listening to, inspiring and engaging our next generation leaders.

Will you join us?

  • State Forums are happening across Australia. One Day events to enhance the image of aged care as a dynamic, inspiring, and life-changing industry for our Next Gens. Helping our Generation Y leaders grow their capacity and knowledge to lead confidently into our ageing future.
  • We sold out our very first Next Gen Networking Event. In May, LASA hosted our first Next Gen Networking night. Attracting over 40 young and established leaders to network and connect over our shared passion for age services.
  • Our Ambassadors. Our champions. Generation Y are on our organisation’s boards right now (check out Southcare Inc’s Emerging Leaders in Governance Program to learn more). We’re in organisations at all levels – from the bedside to boardroom. We’re leading and helping to build a future we can all grow old in. Over 150 young professionals have already applied to be part of the Next Gen Ambassador Council (applications close July 4th). These Councils will be full of passionate young professionals in National and State Councils providing advice on issues affecting our younger workers and future leaders. They will advise us on issues affecting younger workers and promote aged care careers to all Australians.

VisitNext Gen: https://lasa.asn.au/lasa-next-gen/

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