Aug 06, 2020

“I have never been more proud to be an aged care worker”

An aged care worker recently wrote this post on our site. We have republished it here with their permission, because it reveals the deep pride they feel about their important work in aged care during COVID-19, and it also reflects the keen appreciation the community has for their care and support. We hope these words resonate with other aged care workers out there.

“Despite how the media is portraying aged care at the moment, I just want to say that I have never been more proud to be a healthcare worker than I am right now.

My boss, the residents and even the families are so grateful for everything we have done.

Without disclosing too much information, my facility is positive for COVID-19 and currently in quarantine.

It is so stressful at the moment. A lot of my workmates have been working double shifts. I, myself, have worked 96 hours this fortnight.

Just today, we had 15 ‘thank you’ emails from the families. They have said how much they appreciate everything we have done and they are so happy for their parents/grandparents to be where they are.

We have had flowers left at our door, and some families have even called the CEO to say how well our facility has done.

Hearing things like this brings a tear to my eye and I know I am in the right job.

Every facility is going through tough times at the moment, but you should all be so proud of yourselves. Because I am proud of each and every one of you, for just being in this industry.”


Image: jacoblund, iStock.

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