Jan 18, 2021

The nightmare reality of home care waiting lists continues…

A new press release from Shadow Minister for Ageing and Seniors, Julie Collins, has revealed the incredible numbers on home care waiting lists. These new figures allege that across the country, almost 100,000 older Australians are still waiting for home care packages.

“This is yet more evidence of the Morrison Government’s neglect of our broken aged care system,” Mr Collins says in the press release. 

“Older Australians are fed up with waiting for care at home when they have already been approved for it.

“It is completely unacceptable that the Morrison Government hasn’t done more to fix this crisis.”

A table supplied in the press release revealed that in NSW alone, over 30,000 older people have yet to receive their home care packages, despite their application being approved. 

According to News.com, Northern Sydney alone has more than 3700 older people still waiting on home care. Across the state, of those still waiting to receive their care packages, as of September 30, 2020, 1820 are waiting on level one, 14,760 for level two, level three has 12,677 people waiting, and 3403 are waiting on level four care. 

(Source: Senate Estimates, Community Affairs Committee, Questions on Notice)
(Source: Senate Estimates, Community Affairs Committee, Questions on Notice)

According to the press release, some older people waiting for high level home care are waiting almost three years after their application is approved, with 30,000 older Australians dying while waiting to receive their care package in the three years leading up to mid-2020. 

“Time and time again, the Morrison Government’s announcements of new home care packages have failed to address the true scale of Australia’s aged care crisis,” said Mr Collins. 

“The Aged Care Royal Commission’s interim report detailing the crisis in aged care was titled ‘Neglect’.

“It called for urgent action more than a year ago but there are still 100,000 older Australians waiting for home care.” 

Calling for the Morrison Government to step up and take action to alleviate the pressures on the aged care system, Ms Collins says that the evidence of neglect in aged care is being met only by “excuses and smoke and mirrors.”

“Australians deserve better,” she says. 

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  1. These articles are misleading and inappropriate! Often used as criticism by those with agenda against a party in government or for other reasons. They do NOT actually present the facts openly of other services supplied. Also not well researched for us oldies living at home. As a Home Care Package level 4 recipient I find I still have to watch the care services I receive if I need essential equipment to aid me to live at home. When I was waiting for my Level 1 HCP I was receiving Personal care organised through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme 4 times a week and I was supplied with a Hospital style bed requested by the OT who also organised the hire of a manual wheelchair for $50 a quarter. Once I received the HCP I found I had to save to purchase the wheelchair especially as I found I could no longer hire a wheelchair from the supplier instead I had to save to purchase one out of my HCP. I also have to pay for the personal care and home care I required also meals etc. The Level 1 package (if managed) is cut by the amount charged to do this as well as an amount out of the pension Level 1 = $9000. With average charges for management (at the time I received mine it was not suggested I could self manage) vary from 27% plus leaving $660approx.also a daily fee personal payment up to $10.75. To pay for services at $49ph lowest suggested amount on weekdays. If you have 3 services a week totals $7644 py. So of course if you need equipment you are forced to cut back on weekly services even if necessary. This is my argument! When I was not getting the HCP I received these services free or for a nominal donation. I am not complaining, however once on the Level 1 HCP, I found this to be an unreal expectation. I even wrote about this to the Minister for Aged Care who returned my email with the comment I could get all equipment I need to be supplied by Enable as I live in NSW. Surprised NO! I checked with Enable to find this is not the case for HCP recipients.

    1. So sorry there is an error in the Level 1 HCP package which is $9000 less the Management fee (mine is 27% leaves a balance of approx. $6600 Reviewing my comments I had the amount as $600 NOT $6000 (my manager does not charge the Daily fee set by the government mentioned of $10.75). If you require a minimum of 3 hourly personal care services per week this at a rate of $49ph equals $147pw this totals over $7000. I reviewing my comments I had the amount as $600 NOT $6000. Sorry for the error this site does not allow edit or withdrawel of comments.

  2. I agree I am trying to get my parent-in-law level on assistance. Yes, they get $50 vouches for housekeeping and gardening as we are over 2hrs away. People who offer these services know this and wants to vouches for mowing and gardening for 1hr and 1 voucher for 1hr of housework.
    I am an age care worker and get $23 an hour cleaning, personal care and medication.
    So there is a big problem and people are profiteering out of age care both home care and residential care.


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