Dec 02, 2024

Pandemic Poll Reveals That Only 23% of Aged Care Workers Would get Vaccinated Again

As Australia enters its fourth year of navigating the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, the country’s aged care sector is grappling with a troubling trend: a growing vaccine hesitancy among staff.

A recent poll conducted in an aged care worker support group revealed that only 23% of respondents would consider getting vaccinated again in the event of a major outbreak or new pandemic. Alarmingly, 69% were adamant they would not get vaccinated again, and a further 8% were undecided.

This shift in attitudes is a stark contrast to 2021, when aged care workers were among the first in Australia to receive access to COVID-19 vaccines and were mandated to take two doses.

The government’s approach was clear – protect the most vulnerable, including elderly residents in care homes, by ensuring that staff were vaccinated. However, the long-term impact of these mandates, combined with concerns over vaccine injuries, may have led to a deepening mistrust in the vaccine’s safety and efficacy.

The Vaccine Injury Narrative

One of the most prevalent reasons for vaccine hesitancy among aged care workers is a perceived connection between the COVID-19 vaccine and a range of health issues.

Many staff members reported personal or second-hand accounts of adverse reactions, and these stories have resonated deeply within the workforce. A recurring theme is the development of chronic health conditions post-vaccination.

“I was as fit and healthy before my jab,” said one respondent. “Had three as it was compulsory. After that, I got rheumatoid arthritis, ganglions on my feet and hands, and nerve issues. We were forced into this.”

Another worker commented, “Ruined my life and had a reaction; still paying the price. I had to quit as my health made me unemployable.” These narratives echo the concerns of a significant number of staff, who, having experienced severe reactions or observed the suffering of loved ones and colleagues, are now resolute in their refusal to participate in future vaccination campaigns.

The adverse reactions cited range from rheumatoid arthritis to rare skin conditions such as Bullous pemphigoid, a condition typically seen in older adults but which affected a worker as young as 26. While these individual cases cannot be universally attributed to the vaccines, the perceived link between the jab and subsequent health issues has been enough to foster a sense of fear and scepticism.

Global Research and Recognised Side Effects

Concerns over vaccine injuries are not without basis. Global research has now identified some of the side effects linked to specific COVID-19 vaccines.

For instance, the AstraZeneca vaccine has been associated with a rare blood-clotting disorder, while the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have been linked to heart inflammation. These side effects, while rare, have contributed to the growing unease among aged care workers and others who are hesitant to receive further doses.

In addition to these recognised side effects, some workers report ongoing, unexplained symptoms—often referred to as “grey area” reactions—that have yet to be officially recognised as vaccine-related by the medical establishment.

These include conditions such as tinnitus, nerve pain, and chronic fatigue. Many of those experiencing these symptoms have found themselves locked out of the government’s compensation scheme, which was specifically set up to support individuals who suffered vaccine-related injuries. The lack of support has only deepened the sense of frustration and alienation within the workforce.

The Real Risk: Mass Exodus of Aged Care Workers

If this trend continues, the consequences for Australia’s aged care sector could be profound. A mass exodus of workers, driven by vaccine mandates or the fear of further health complications, would create a crisis at a time when the sector is already under immense pressure.

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed just how fragile the aged care workforce is, with many workers leaving the industry due to stress, burnout and vaccine mandates.

A mass departure of staff due to vaccine hesitancy could exacerbate these challenges, leaving elderly Australians at increased risk.

In such a scenario, the sector could face significant staffing shortages, resulting in reduced care standards and heightened risk of infection spread in aged care homes.

The potential for an overwhelmed healthcare system during future pandemics would be a harsh reality, especially considering the vulnerable populations that rely on these workers.

No Pharma Drama

Not all aged care workers share the same concerns about vaccination. Some workers, having experienced firsthand the devastating effects of COVID-19 on their residents, view vaccination as a necessary safeguard.

One respondent shared, “I have had every jab available. I only caught COVID once and had no symptoms. As someone over 55, I have no issues. Happy to do my bit to keep my residents safe.”

For others, the experience of working through the first outbreak and witnessing the horrors of the virus has made them more resilient and willing to comply with vaccine mandates.

“I worked through the first outbreak, and we did not know what we were dealing with,” one worker recalled. “People were dying, and many staff left the industry. I’ve never caught it, but I did my part to protect my residents.”

A Call for Balance and Understanding

As Australia contemplates the future of its aged care workforce, it’s crucial to acknowledge the delicate balance between public health measures and individual rights.

The scientific consensus remains that the benefits of COVID-19 vaccines—such as reducing the risk of severe illness, hospitalisation, and death—far outweigh the potential risks. However, as new research continues to identify side effects like blood clotting and heart inflammation, it’s important to recognise the real concerns of those affected.

The Australian government’s COVID-19 inquiry, released in October, was critical of the lack of transparency and the perceived heavy-handed approach to lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and compensation schemes.

This has further eroded public trust and led to feelings of alienation, particularly among those who feel they have experienced adverse reactions but are unable to access support through the government’s compensation scheme.

In light of this, it’s vital that aged care workers’ voices are heard and that a compassionate approach is taken to address their concerns. A future mass exodus of workers is not just a possibility—it is a looming threat that could undermine the health and safety of Australia’s elderly population.

A balance must be struck between public health imperatives and the need to support the workforce that cares for some of the nation’s most vulnerable citizens.

As Australia faces the possibility of future pandemics, the question remains: can the aged care sector retain enough staff to protect the elderly in the face of rising vaccine hesitancy, or will we find ourselves unprepared for the next crisis?

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    1. I would be very suspect of Vigilant News who are well known to be right wing anti most things medical, to give the correct and unbiased information re anything to do with covid or covid vaccines. It is well known for sharing misinformation and disinformation. Hundreds of millions of people got vaccinated and some had an adverse reaction. When the figures were broken down, the risk of death and adverse reactions per the hundreds of millions was very low. Of course if you have a vaccine and you have an adverse reaction, that is very sad. It’s a risk that everyone takes when undergoing any medical action but you have to sensibly weigh up the risk/benefit ratio. The way to do it is not by going onto known anti vax, anti covid, pro conspiracy theory websites. They are not unbiased. They will find information to support their bottom line in that everything in the world today, is a conspiracy to hurt the general public and it is not.

    2. Vigilant does the the name alone , not give you a clue as to whether they are a reputable source of medical and scientific information ???? One look at their website should give you pause to think about wether they are a reputable publication.

  1. Have to ask why the study referred to by Helen Rose was rejected by so many. I’d guess the science was not up to par rather than some terrible conspiracy.
    People who fear vacs have apparently forgotten about the side effects/deaths caused by the diseases pre-vacs. Almost any medical treatment comes with pages of possible adverse reactions. An unfortunate few experience them but most do not. Always costs and benefits must be considered. In relation to public health the costs to those other than ‘ME’ must be considered.

  2. Covid MRNA vaccination forced on a unwilling but gaslighted population has unequivocally violated the Hippocratic oath, “First do no harm”.
    I don’t trust pharmacy industry or doctors Any More. Never trusted politicians whose mouths where moving TRUMP! You have never apologized for “WARP SPEED” and you never will because of your massive EGO! When Biden tried to force vaccinations on me I REFUSED! But I am much more knowledgeable than the average bear. I also don’t take kindly to threats or intimidation BIDEN. My brother was convinced with his wife to take the shot so they could travel by air. I tried to convince him not to but he wouldn’t listen. He has come down with a mysterious malady that has made him lose massive weight. Dropped from 200 pounds to 140. Something about colonic ischemia.
    No surprise there,,.
    The second Nuremburg trials may never come but people like that scum sucker FAUCI should be hung by their necks with their hands untied until their feet stop twitching. They are murderers. The DEMONCRATS are in on this atrocity along with the RHINO’s. Never did trust senator mcConnel or that scum lord senator schumer. two faces of the same evil combine. When all was said and done voted for Trump who appears to be the least evil of the lot of them.
    I am, after all, realistic and know that what has happened cannot be undone.

  3. In response to Linda’s obsession with conspiracy theories and misinformation, I would say the ONLY place to find the truth in the last 3 years has been in the conspiracies. All the major conspiracy theories turned out to be true and the narratives forced down out throats, sometimes with the force of law, by government and their legacy media allies were not only untrue, but dangerous. So, Linda, for the best information and any hope of actually getting something true and accurate you should ONLY frequent news sites that entertain “misinformation” because they were the only ones that told us the truth about anything.

  4. Whether intentional or not, this article is inflammatory & could be used for more harm than good, especially with the way certain media bodies & social media personalities will take any inch to the mile to benefit their narrative/agenda.
    Can the author please edit the article &/or provide information on the data in the survey in this “worker support group” e.g. how many participants were involved, across what sectors (private/public health, nursing/personal care/allied health, regional/metro)? For it to be a meaningfully held report the data must represent at least 10% of the aged care workforce (the minimum standard for data research in a population) & we have hundreds of thousands of them nationally. If the survey did not cover at least 10% of the aged care workforce then it is effectively moot.

    I worked for 2 providers & in 3 facilities successively across the years during COVID 2020-2023 in middle management, with over 450 staff & 320 residents. Over those years only 2 staff left because they were not willing to receive the mandatory vaccinations. No staff & no residents – that is 0 – had any serious adverse affects to receiving the COVID vaccines.
    We watched in 2020 as Dorothy Henderson Lodge nearby had its resident cohort suffer significant COVID deaths amongst a population not protected by a vaccination program. Then following from 2022 at our own facilities as things “opened up” after the vaccination program of 2021 – like almost everyone we experienced outbreaks, but there was significantly a lot less relative deaths of residents caused by the disease (data can be looked up at the NSW Health website). We observed no adverse affects among our residents as they got their boosters.

  5. I think that forcing people into having vacations is completely wrong. Most still do not understand how dangerous the so called vacations are. They should not be pushing people to get boosters that will increase the risk of permanent health health problems turbo cancers or death.

  6. Unfortunately we seem to be at a passage in time where people see individuality as a uniform of selfishness. Vaccines are created to support societies to be healthier and live well. Looking around the world the rise of bullies, meanness, lack of integrity & society poor manners modern life seems to be confusing these regressive practices as some sort of needed leadership. As lifecycle values alter I believe the now vaccine deniers and poor qualities that will be the result of their self centred practices many will realise the benefits to them and society in joining in to a nicer, kinder community. It will once again be in fashion to look further then poor values. In the interim no one really wins.


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