Apr 22, 2024

Ready meals offer quick, tasty options for aged care residents.

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The Good Meal Co ready meals offer significant advantages to both the resident and the aged care home in terms of improved nutritional outcomes. [Source: Supplied]

SPC Global has a history of providing nutritious meal solutions to the health industry, including its fruit range under the ‘SPC ProVital’ brand known for easy-to-open packaging and delicious fruit snack cups.  

But in more exciting news, SPC Global has acquired a ready meals company based in Sydney called The Good Meal Co.

The Good Meal Co provides a range of delicious meals designed to meet the taste preferences of residents along with catering to special dietary and/or cultural needs such as gluten-free, vegetarian, dairy-free and halal.

This range includes options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner as well as snacks and desserts to offer residents more choice and variety while combatting aged care’s “skeleton in the closet” – malnutrition.

Former Dietitian and SPC National Account Manager, Sarah Donnelly, said malnutrition is still a big problem in aged care so supporting residents with easy and convenient access to ready-made meal solutions can significantly impact both short-term recovery results and their long-term health.

“Most of the adverse effects on residents, patients, and the healthcare system can be prevented or improved through nutrition care.”

The Good Meal Co ready-made meal solutions offer significant advantages to both the resident and the aged care home in terms of improved nutritional outcomes.

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Meals like this tuna mornay allow older people to enjoy the convenience of healthy eating without sacrificing taste. [Source: Supplied]

Furthermore, aged care homes are looking at ready-made frozen meal solutions as part of their “out of hours” menu or included as part of additional services. The Good Meal Co has supported aged care homes with ready-made frozen meal solutions during times of outbreaks, emergencies or those undergoing kitchen refurbishments. 

The team at The Good Meal Co are focused on designing meals to be eaten and enjoyed. Every ingredient matters – where and how it was grown, how it was prepared and how it was cooked. 

“All meals are snap-frozen which is one of the best ways to lock in all the nutrients and deliver the freshest possible meal.”

Based in Sydney, hospitals, retirement villages, residential aged care, and the community can order The Good Meal Co meals through their local distributor or directly. Meals are delivered frozen across all Australian States and Territories. 

To view the full range of delicious ready meals please visit The Good Meal Co website at goodmeal.com.au or call 1800 155 255. 

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