Nov 20, 2020

Third Aged Care Worker Retention Bonus to be paid in January

The third Aged Care Workforce Retention (ACWR) bonus will be paid in January 2021.

Even since the ACWR bonus has been announced to reward staff working during the COVID-19 crisis, it has been controversial.

Firstly, there was widespread condemnation of the fact the bonus has only been paid to direct care workers, and doesn’t extend to other staff, such as cleaners, laundry workers, and kitchen staff – even though these workers are fundamental to the smooth running of an aged care home, particularly during a pandemic.

The tax treatment of the bonus has also been under a cloud, with workers complaining that once tax is paid, the final amount they receive makes it feel significantly less rewarding.

When the government first announced the bonus, it claimed it would be a tax-free payment, however it backtracked on that promise.

Some providers have dipped into their own pocket to ensure all staff receive a bonus.

Audit program in place for payments

The value of the third payment will be equal to the second payment, unless a ‘variation to funding’ is requested, the Department has said in its newsletter today.

Providers must put in applications for the bonus by Monday 30 November 2020.

To determine how much is due, providers should calculate the eligible workforce in the four weeks preceding the census date.

Providers can compare the profile to the second bonus, and if the amount for the third bonus has decreased by more than 10 per cent, the provider will need to submit a ‘Variation Request and Declaration’ to the Department of Health.

Providers will also have to submit a variation if the amount for the third bonus is more than the second payment.

If a variation is required, providers must submit the variation, along with an updated Eligible Aged Care Worker Staffing Profile Spreadsheet, which is available on the Department’s website.

Variation requests must be submitted to the Department by Friday 11 December 2020.

Questions can be directed to the following email:

The Department has also issued a reminder to providers that payments could be subjected to an audit.

Any questions about the audit can be directed to PwC at or the Department at

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  1. I think the ACWR payments are a joke especially being taxed. Says how little the government thinks of all the hard and dangerous work done by health care workers during this pandemic.

    1. Hi our work has said they have retention bonus. But the won’t release the funds until they have been given an exit date. Can u tell me when that exit date was.Thanks Kay.

  2. i work in aged care . staff have received the 1st and 2nd retention bonus but we are still awaiting the 3rd payment . does anyone no why this hasnt been paid as yet ?

  3. Why hasn’t the 3rd retention bonus been paid yet…
    Is the company holding off or has there been a delay..
    Due in January, now April..

  4. Hello
    I am kabita sapkota bhusal. I am working g in aged care as a carer.I was in maternity leave .I was returned to work 25 of November2020.Everyone got the 3rd aged care bonus but , I have not got the bonus .May I know the reason why I am not got the bonus from aged care .I am working agedcare other carer they got but I am the only one who not get bonus plz suggest me why i am not get bus
    Thank you
    Kabita sapkota bhusal

  5. Hi I am working in a aged care facility as a cook and have not received one single bonus payment which I find really unfair I have had too have covid test done four times in our facility and wear masks face shields ect. But have been told kitchen staff are not entitled to payment was just wondering way?

  6. no one at my work place has yet to receive this 3rd bonus, and its now the middle of april. how do we find out if the employer is keeping it instead of handing it out


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