Oct 20, 2021

Woman in her 70s gives birth to her first child

Woman in her 70s gives birth to her first child

Jivunben Rabari and her 75-year-old husband, Maldhari, revealed to local reporters that they have been married for 45 years. 

According to Maldhari, the pair spent decades trying to conceive a child naturally before turning to IVF treatment, which was successful in bringing them their first child. 

The couple’s doctor, Dr Naresh Bhanushali, was initially hesitant to assist the couple with IVF treatments but they persisted, and he eventually decided to take on the challenge.

“They said that many of their family members did it as well. This is one of the rarest cases I have ever seen.” 

Despite giving birth at the age of 70, Ms Rabari is not the oldest first-time mother in her country. 

Another Indian woman by the name of Erramatti Mangayamma is believed to be the world’s oldest woman to give birth after having twin girls in 2019 at 74 years of age. 

In recent years, there have been several cases of women aged in their 60s and 70s giving birth through IVF treatment in India.

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