Jun 01, 2018

96-year old man charged with indecently assaulting carers


A 96-year-old man has been charged with indecently assaulting two female carers that he employed full time to care for him in his Sydney, Vaucluse, home.

It has been alleged that the man assaulted two women, who were aged 21 and 32 at the time, over four separate incidents in 2017.

The man was charged with aggravated indecent assault on 14 May after an extensive police investigation.

It has been alleged that the man, Aron Kleinleher, indecently touched one of the women and tried to kiss the other.

The incident is in stark contrast to other reports of abuse involving elderly people in recent times, where the elderly person has been the victim of the crime.

Abuse can arise from an imbalance of power.

Mr Kleinleher is a former businessman and philanthropist, who received a medal of the Order of Australia for community service in this year’s Australia Day awards for his contributions to the Emanual School in Randwick, and donations to Opera Australia, Sydney Symphony Orchestra, and The Australian Ballet.

His lawyer says he is being assessed, including having a brain scan, to see if he is fit to appear in court. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

The matter will be heard in September this year.


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