Sep 13, 2019

Meet Pillo: The Pill Pooping Home Pharmacist Robot

Technology has come a long way in recent years and some of the futuristic advancements that we have become so used to seeing on our TV screens are actually becoming accessible and finding their way into our homes.  

Owning your own robot would have been a far fetched idea a decade ago, but these days that prospect is very much a reality, and one of the real beneficiaries of this is elderly people.

An adorable pint-sized robot by the name of Pillo has been making waves recently due to its innovative approach to dispensing medication and interactive qualities.

Pillo functions in a way that feels like a mix between Apple’s virtual assistant Siri’ and a futuristic medicine cabinet that uses facial recognition technology to ensure that it dispenses the right medication to the right person. 

Users can load Pillo with up to four weeks worth of medication and then enter information regarding the times and dosages required through the use of a simple smartphone app.

Medication is then ‘pooped’ into a small cup which is located underneath the face of the robot, and it has the ability to alert family members and carers if the pills are not being taken as well as use voice cues to prompt owners to take their medication.

While some may be quick to dismiss Pillo as some kind of fancy medication dispenser, the robot can also be used to make video calls and carry out medication order-refill orders. 

It also comes equipped with a database of 400 videos that provide information about healthy eating habits and users can ask Pillo an array of different questions and expect a timely and informative response. 

Pillo can provide users with a weather report, nutritional information on specific foods, and also provide reminders for things like appointment times and visitors that might be dropping by. 

Above all else, Pillo can provide peace of mind to family members who may not have the ability to monitor an elderly loved one in person by simplifying their health and medication routines which can often be quite complex.

Pillo can alert family members and carers as to whether a loved one has actually been taking their medication, and it also has the ability to alert authorities and family members in the case of an emergency without being physically prompted. 

While human interaction is always preferable, another positive that can’t be overlooked is the fact that Pillo actually has a presence in the home due to its adorable appearance and warm feminine sounding voice – and this may help to combat issues like social isolation that currently plague the elderly. 

With a current price tag of $499US, acquiring the presence of Pillo does obviously not come cheap, as this device also requires users to pay a $40US subscription fee every month.

Although the hefty price tag and ongoing costs may deter a number of potential customers, hopefully, future advancements in technology lead to a future dropping of price, as many elderly people could really benefit from having Pillo in the home. 


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