Dec 20, 2019

What Are The Best Gifts To Give Aged Care Staff For Xmas?

One thing that has become very clear throughout 2019 is the fact that aged care staff doesn’t receive anywhere near the amount of credit they deserve. 

It takes a special person to dedicate their lives to the wellbeing of others and choosing the right gift to show your appreciation to the nurses, carers, chefs, cleaners, and managers that make a facility run – can sometimes be difficult.

The team at HelloCare has made a list, they have checked it twice, and these are the gifts to buy the people who brighten up elderly lives.


Massage/Relaxation Package



While this gift may be a bit pricey for the average staff Kris Kringle present, family members and friends of aged care staff should be looking to invest in some good old fashioned rest and recuperation for their loved one.

Those that care for others are selfless by nature, and this can result in people like aged care staff neglecting their own personal wellbeing on a continual basis.

Selfless habits become ingrained over a long period of time and this can often result in the recipient feeling uncomfortable with the idea of massage or relaxation –  but rest assured, the majority are extremely appreciative when they get past the guilt of doing something for themselves.


Coffee Mugs



Regardless of whether you are looking for a stocking stuffer or Kris Kringle gift, the coffee mug can be an extremely thoughtful and affordable way of letting an aged care staff members know that you care.

The large variety of styles and personalization options ensures that you can find the right mug to fit the personality of your favourite nurse or carer.


Wine Glasses & Booze


Let’s face it, no matter how much you love your residents and how much patience you may possess, even the greatest aged care staff need a stiff drink from time-to-time.

Alcohol is an acquired taste, so make sure to do some snooping around beforehand to understand what the person you are buying for happens to enjoy.




The majority of aged care staff spend their whole day on their feet.

Movement of this magnitude requires footwear that provides aged care staff with the right level of comfort, and there are a number of shoes on the market that are the right fit for the job.

In Australia, footwear brands like Hush Puppies and Kumfs are a popular choice for aged care staff, and Nike have even thrown their hat into the ring recently and produced a shoe that is specifically designed for everyday heroes like nurses. 


Nurses Fob Watch


Every job out there requires employees to have some awareness of the time, but very few actually require you to wear a watch upside down.

Fob watches provide nurses with a stylish accessory that allows them to know the time and check pulses without the hygiene risks associated with wearing a watch on your wrist.

Fob watches all kinds of sizes and colours in 2019, and there is also a range of antique fob watches that could be the perfect gift for the person who was born to be a nurse.


Hand Cream


Repeatedly washing your hands might be great from a hygienic point of view, but this process combined with constantly wearing gloves is a one-way ticket to having dry hands.

Hand moisturising cream may not be the most glamorous gift in the world, but they do make for an affordable stocking stuffer that can come in quite handy at the end of a long shift.

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